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Online Avatar Creater



    npm install ngx-nice-avatar


  1. Import ngx-nice-avatar component

        import { Beard, Ear, Earring, Eyebrows, Eyes, Glasses, Hair, Mouth, NgxNiceAvatarComponent, Nose, Shirt } from 'ngx-nice-avatar';
  2. Render ngx-nice-avatar

        <ngx-nice-avatar #avatar
            [size]="size" [bgColor]="bgColor" [shirtColor]="shirtColor" 
            [faceColor]="faceColor" [hairColor]="hairColor" [beardColor]="beardColor" [beardType]="beard" [ear]="ear" [earring]="earring" 
            [eye]="eye" [eyeBrows]="eyeBrow" [shirt]="shirt" [glasses]="glasses" [nose]="nose" [hair]="hair" [hairColor]="hairColor" [mouth]="mouth"
  3. Define Properties

    size: number = 250;
    bgColor: string;
    shirtColor: string;
    faceColor: string;
    FaceColors: string[] = ["#F9C9B6", "#AC6651"];
    beardValues: Beard[] = ['Hipster', 'Scruff', 'None'];
    beard: Beard;
    beardColor: string;
    eyesValues: Eyes[] = ['Circle', 'Oval', 'Shadow', 'Smile'];
    eye: Eyes;
    eyeBrow: Eyebrows;
    eyeBrowsValues: Eyebrows[] = ['Eyebrows_Down', 'Eyebrows_Up', 'Eyelashes_Down', 'Eyelashes_Up', 'None'];
    earValues: Ear[] = ['Big', 'Small'];
    ear: Ear;
    earringValues: Earring[] = ['Hoop', 'Stud', 'None'];
    earring: Earring;
    mouth: Mouth;
    mouthValues: Mouth[] = ['Frown', 'Laughing', 'Nervous', 'Pucker', 'Sad', 'Smile', 'Smirk', 'Suprised'];
    hair: Hair;
    hairValues: Hair[] = ['Danny_Phantom', 'Doug_Funny', 'Fonza', 'Full', 'Mr_Clean', 'Mr_T', 'None', 'Pixie',    'Turban'];
    hairColor: string;
    nose: Nose;
    noseValues: Nose[] = ['Curve', 'Pointed', 'Round'];
    glasses: Glasses;
    glassesValues: Glasses[] = ['None', 'Round', 'Square'];
    shirt: Shirt;
    shirtValues: Shirt[] = ['Collared', 'Crew', 'Open'];


Properties available options

key type default accept
size number 250
bgColor string random
faceColor string random
eye Eye random Circle, Oval, Smile, Shadow
eyeBrow Eyebrow random None, Eyebrows_Up, Eyebrows_Down, Eyelashes_Down, Eyelashes_Up
ear Ear random Small, Big
earring Earring random None, Stud, Hoop
mouth Mouth random Frown, Laughing, Nervous, Pucker, Sad, Smile, Smirk, Suprised
hair Hair random None, Danny_Phantom, Doug_Funny, Fonza, Full, Mr_Clean, Mr_T, Pixie, Turban
hairColor string random
nose Nose random Curve, Pointed, Round
glasses Glasses random None, Round, Square
beardType Beard random None, Hipster, Scruff
beardColor string random
shirt Shirt random Collared, Crew, Open
shirtColor string random


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone [email protected]:bariscanyilmaz/ngx-nice-avatar.git
  2. Change directory to package folder and build package

    cd ngx-nice-avatar\projects\ngx-nice-avatar\
    ng build ngx-nice-avatar
  3. Link package

    cd ngx-nice-avatar\dist\ngx-nice-avatar
    npm link 
    cd ngx-nice-avatar\src\app
    npm link ngx-nice-avatar
  4. Install dependencies

    npm install 
  5. Start the server for the demo

    ng serve 
  6. Open the browser to reivew the demo

    open http://localhost:4200
  7. Edit the files inside projects\ngx-nice-avatar\src\lib\NiceAvatar.


Released under MIT by @bariscanyilmaz.