Releases: bcgov/jag-file-submission
Releases · bcgov/jag-file-submission
Version 1.3.1 - Frontend React Scripts Upgrade
What's Changed
- Snapshot 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT by @TayGov in #2410
- Attempting to fix pipeline issue with vulnerabilities PR by @BrendanBeachBC in #2424
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.3 to 1.14.7 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2421
- Checking pipeline on FE vulnerability fixes by @BrendanBeachBC in #2425
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.6 to 1.14.7 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2427
- Bump dependabot by @TayGov in #2429
- removing windows line carriage by @gpoleze in #2440
- Bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.2.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2442
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2451
- Remove target branch by @TayGov in #2439
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2450
- Bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.2.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2441
- Bump validator from 13.6.0 to 13.7.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2356
- Bump babel-loader from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2453
- Bump eslint-config-airbnb from 19.0.2 to 19.0.4 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2461
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.16.7 to 7.16.11 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2470
- bug/vulnerability fix axios by @gpoleze in #2480
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.6 to 1.14.9 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2498
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2495
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2494
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2490
- Updated storybook to fix prismjs vulnerability by @BrendanBeachBC in #2499
- Update storybook for demo app, recreate yarn.lock file by @BrendanBeachBC in #2501
- Update WSDL's and Code Updates by @TayGov in #2502
- Update side card by @TayGov in #2511
- Fix Keycloak Error In Cucumber Tests by @TayGov in #2510
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2516
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2517
- Upgrade react-scripts to 5.0.1 by @TayGov in #2524
- Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.3 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2525
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1-frontend-react-scripts
Version 1.3.0
Version 1.2.2
What's Changed
- Revert WSDL's by @TayGov in #2392
- Update to new snapshot version by @TayGov in #2393
- Update splunk to 1.11.2 by @TayGov in #2399
- Update splunk to version 1.11.3 by @BrendanBeachBC in #2400
- update to prod wsdls by @BrendanBeachBC in #2405
- WSDLs by @TayGov in #2406
- Log4j 2.17.1 by @TayGov in #2408
- update patch version 1.2.2 by @TayGov in #2409
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2
Version 1.2.1
Efiling Hub 0.8.0
What's Changed
- Bump @testing-library/user-event from 13.1.1 to 13.1.9 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2044
- Bump @testing-library/react-hooks from 5.1.2 to 7.0.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2045
- Bump @testing-library/react-hooks from 5.1.2 to 7.0.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2046
- Bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.23.1 to 7.24.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2047
- Bump @babel/core from 7.13.16 to 7.14.3 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2048
- Bump keycloak-js from 7.0.1 to 13.0.1 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2061
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.13.12 to 7.14.4 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2056
- Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.22.1 to 2.23.4 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2057
- Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.13.12 to 7.14.4 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2058
- Bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.23.1 to 7.24.0 in /src/frontend/efiling-demo by @dependabot in #2059
- Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.22.1 to 2.23.4 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2060
- Bump @testing-library/react from 11.2.6 to 11.2.7 in /src/frontend/efiling-frontend by @dependabot in #2062
- Remove Openshift 3 Workflows by @akroon3r in #2068
- Update git actions to include paths by @akroon3r in #2069
- Update zap-baseline.yaml by @akroon3r in #2070
- Added setting the delayed processing flag when setting auto process flag by @BrendanBeachBC in #2080
- Added log for debugging by @BrendanBeachBC in #2081
- Feature/set delayed processing by @BrendanBeachBC in #2082
- Adding some logs by @TayGov in #2083
- Remove duplicate autoprocessing check by @TayGov in #2084
- Removing extra logging by @BrendanBeachBC in #2085
- Increment Version and Apply snapshot by @TayGov in #2088
- Merge Preview by @TayGov in #2090
- Increment starter version by @TayGov in #2100
- Rush Process for submission review by @TayGov in #2108
- Adding country code lookup by @TayGov in #2109
- Update View All Package Subpath by @akroon3r in #2111
- Rush processing endpoint by @TayGov in #2110
- Adding rush document store by @TayGov in #2112
- Adding role codes by @TayGov in #2114
- added 60 second timeout to axios call in Payment.js by @yousiefc in #2124
- Fix text by @TayGov in #2125
- Update withdraw statuses by @yousiefc in #2126
- csobaseurl fix by @yousiefc in #2129
- Update adding additional fields by @TayGov in #2128
- Add annotation by @TayGov in #2131
- Document upload default radio buttons by @yousiefc in #2127
- Assert Rush processing response by @karthikmsqa in #2130
- Get countries endpoint test by @karthikmsqa in #2132
- Env Template Update by @akroon3r in #2142
- remove set by @TayGov in #2143
- Updated csoBaseUrl to use front end environment variable instead of calling config API by @BrendanBeachBC in #2144
- added window.env check by @BrendanBeachBC in #2145
- another window.env fix on package review by @BrendanBeachBC in #2146
- Adding rush processing to submission by @TayGov in #2113
- Create rush processing test by @karthikmsqa in #2147
- Adding reason text by @TayGov in #2148
- Front end validation for document names by @BrendanBeachBC in #2149
- Adding courtDate and update unit tests by @TayGov in #2150
- Added package review rush details tab by @BrendanBeachBC in #2162
- Make util null safe by @TayGov in #2164
- Timeout bug fix by @BrendanBeachBC in #2165
- Adding Status Calculation by @TayGov in #2166
- Adding api spec and implementation by @TayGov in #2179
- Adding package validation by @TayGov in #2189
- Adding Submission and Document ID's by @TayGov in #2190
- Adding Rush Document Endpoint by @TayGov in #2163
- Rush processing screen by @TayGov in #2178
- Rush processing screen updates by @BrendanBeachBC in #2192
- Updated submission payload by @karthikmsqa in #2196
- Get Rush Document test by @karthikmsqa in #2197
- Adding Feature Flag Endpoint by @TayGov in #2207
- rush modal with tests by @yousiefc in #2208
- FLA-1366 Added Remove link on Rush screen by @KDNeufeld in #2211
- fixed dockerignore to not transfer pre-compiled files into container by @KDNeufeld in #2212
- Formatting and add log by @TayGov in #2213
- FLA-1321 add regression test for duplicate upload validation by @KDNeufeld in #2214
- Adding logging to track certain conditions by @TayGov in #2215
- efiling-demo - bumped react-shared-components to 1.2.4 by @KDNeufeld in #2216
- Added Action Document to efiling-demo by @KDNeufeld in #2217
- Update action document logic by @TayGov in #2221
- FLA-1380 added banner when rejected docs exists by @KDNeufeld in #2222
- FLA-1381 added Rejected Documents sidecard by @KDNeufeld in #2223
- fixed autoboxing, imports, unused vars by @KDNeufeld in #2224
- Rush validations FLA-1302 by @yousiefc in #2237
- FLA-1399 Added regression tests for Rejected Documents (banner and sidecard) by @KDNeufeld in #2225
- Adding Country Mapping by @TayGov in #2238
- FLA-1395 Added test for duplicate doc from parent app by @KDNeufeld in #2239
- Removing Unused Openshift Templates by @akroon3r in #2240
- FLA-1304 Added Rush regression tests by @KDNeufeld in #2241
- FLA-1304 added regression test by @KDNeufeld in #2242
- Updated wsdls by @TayGov in #2260
- 0.8.0 by @TayGov in #2280
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0
Efiling Hub v0.7.0
EfilingHub 0.6.0
Release Notes - E-Filing Hub - Version 0.6.0
- [FLA-682] - submittedDate is not ISO format
- [FLA-687] - If the token does not have the application code setup it should log and return an error
- [FLA-663] - Fix frontend Dockerfile for Efiling DEmo only
- [FLA-668] - Move Keycloak .settings folder on repo
- [FLA-697] - Fix frontend Dockerfile for Efiling Frontend only
- [FLA-601] - Integration Test for Court location lookup
- [FLA-608] - Update logging to include the identity provider and update splunk Dashboard
- [FLA-610] - Set up Keycloak for BC Services Card DEV AND TEST
- [FLA-613] - Get user fullname from bcsc card for cso account creation
- [FLA-615] - Adapt CSO backend to handle bceid and bcsc authenticated users.
- [FLA-626] - Update Keycloak for any required configuration
- [FLA-627] - Design Submission Review Screens and Page Flow
- [FLA-629] - View Submission Summary
- [FLA-677] - Print Submission Sheet
EfilingHub 0.5.0
Release Notes - E-Filing Hub - Version 0.5.0
- [FLA-595] - Create a new Service in ORDS to expose court locations resource
- [FLA-596] - Add a new endpoint in Efiling Hub to expose court locations resource
- [FLA-597] - Create new SSG policy for accessing zoneB service from zoneD
- [FLA-598] - Create a new Repository in svn for ORDS code
- [FLA-599] - Create a new Stored Procedure in CSO to retrieve court locations
- [FLA-600] - Support for deploying service to OpenShift