- phabri: https://phabri.meetwhale.com/w/product/be/%E6%8A%80%E6%9C%AF%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB/elasticsearch_quick_start/
- elastic stack: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack-get-started/7.2/get-started-elastic-stack.html
- reference: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/index.html
- query DSL: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl.html
- rest apis: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/rest-apis.html
- test-analyzer : www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/test-analyzer.html
- painless: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/painless/current/painless-api-reference.html
- 为减少数据库查询压力
- 为强大的分词搜索能力, 经纬度搜索, 全文搜索
- 为自定义不同的查询权重
- 为强大的logs analyze , debug
- 为强大的aggregations, 方便metrics
- 为强大的报表生成, kibana dashboard, Visualizations,同grafana
- 版本问题, 不同版本接口不一样,生成的mapping也不一样,即dev, production版本大版本一定要一样
- mapping问题, 不同mapping对应不同查询的, 自动mapping将影响原本代码的查询
- index问题, 升级等都对index有影响, 非green则不可用,即search将不可用
- query string query, full text查询的一种, 注意需要转义特殊字符,否则报错
- 查询问题, string对应的keyword类型, 不分词, 即完整匹配,用full text queries也没用,即用了keyword type就相当于放弃分词查询
- 查询问题, 注意不要用term查询text字段, 如要查询name: 'betty zhao', 无法查到,实际查询时term完整匹配betty 或者完整匹配zhao, 不会完整匹配‘betty zhao’
- elasticsearch, 分布式
- the distrubuted search and analytics engine, 分布式搜索引擎
- the distributed document store, 分布式存储
- built on the Apache Lucene search engine library, 基于apache lucene
- multi shards, 读写负载均衡, 提高读写速度
- multi replicas, 数据冗余, 目前我们不冗余, 因为丢了就全量同步一次
- elasticsearch, 查询相关
- real-time fast search
- fully searchable, full-text searches
- indexes all data in every field
- all types of data , custom and dynamic mapping
- json documnet
- REST API or Elasticsearch Client managing your cluster
- REST API or Elasticsearch Client searching your data
- elasticsearch, 读写数据,
- elastic api, http api CURD数据
- elastic client, 本质也是http api CURD数据
- elasticsearch, 采集数据,Logstash and Beats, collecting, aggregating data and storing in elasticsearch
- kibana,展示数据, 视图化展示
- https://medium.com/hipages-engineering/scaling-elasticsearch-b63fa400ee9e
- clusters, nodes即服务的节点数, 同kafka broker
- shards, 写读负载均衡,加快数据写, 加快查询, 同kafka partition
- replicas, 即primaries and replicas, 数据冗余, 一般0即只有primaries, 同kafka replication
- index, 需要配置shards and replicas, 同sql table, 也同kafka topic
- Sharding of the document index and assignment to nodes: 5 shards , 0 replicas
~ cd Downloads/elasticsearch-6.5.4
➜ elasticsearch-6.5.4 ./bin/elasticsearch -d
➜ ~ cd Downloads/kibana-6.5.4-darwin-x86_64
➜ kibana-6.5.4-darwin-x86_64 ./bin/kibana &
➜ ~ cd Downloads/apm-server-6.5.2-darwin-x86_64
➜ apm-server-6.5.2-darwin-x86_64 ./apm-server&
- 具体参考 rest apis > cat apis
- cluster health,
GET /_cat/health?v
- list all nodes,
GET /_cat/nodes?v
- list all indices,
GET /_cat/indices?v
- create an index,
PUT /customer?pretty
- delete an index,
DELETE /customer
- get index mapping
GET /whale-shop/_mapping
- get index settings,
GET /bank/_settings
- get index shards,
GET /bank/_search_shards
- get index status,
GET /bank/_stats
- create, put,
- bulk create, put
- update, put or post
- delete, delete
- Field datatypes
- string
- text, 会分词,Term-level queries, full text queries
- keyword, 不分词, 即完整匹配,用full text queries也没用,即用了keyword type就相当于放弃分词查询
- numeric
- data
- boolean
- range
- array(java ArrayList)
- object
- nested
- string
- dynamic mapping
- true / false > boolean
- floating > float
- integer > long
- object > object
- string > text with sub-field keyword
- Distinguish between full-text string fields and exact value string fields
- Perform language-specific text analysis
- Optimize fields for partial matching
- Use custom date formats
- Use data types such as geo_point and geo_shape that cannot be automatically detected
- index the same field in different ways for different purposes
- 注意, 没有创建mapping情况有index数据,系统就自动mapping, 此时存在查询不兼容问题
- 全文搜索,
- 字段存在,
- 单关键字查询,
- 多关键字查询,
- 前缀匹配,
- range查询
- must即and, should即or, must_not即not, filter同must即and
- id查, ids查询,exists查询,
- offset, limit, select, order
- cat apis, 查询info, status系统级api
- document apis, 针对具体document的api, 可单document, 多document
- index apis, 管理index, 代码里面, kibana都有操作
- search apis,查询api, body json格式详细查询
Query DSL
- 其他...
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl.html
- 遵循Query DSL(domain special language), baze on JSON
- leaf query, 单字段查询, 对指定field查询指定value, 包full-text, term, top-level match_all, match_none查询
- compound query, 组合查询, 即组合leaf query
- 具体数据类型具体字段查询查询,
- term-level queries, 按照具体的field类型做具体查询,查询字段类型匹配且value完整匹配
- full-text queries, text类型的模糊查询,分词查询,当然也可其他类型,只是没必要
- compound queries, 多种,目前我们就用bool query
- joining queries, nested field数据,如tag.name
- bool (compound query)
- must: 1 or [],
, 必须满足多个, - filter:1 or [] ,
, 同must, 不会评估匹配度 - should: 1 or [],
, 满足一个就可以,会评估匹配度, - must_not: 1 or [],
- must: 1 or [],
- full text, 针对具体方法支持具体data type
- match, 如果是text字段分词匹配, 非text一般都精准匹配
- multi_match, 多fields查询, 一个匹配到就行
- query string, 支持and or not, discover, grafana里面也是用这个语法
- nested query
- has_child
- has_parent
- exists, field是否存在
- fuzzy, term类型的模糊查询
- ids,ids查询
- prefix,前缀
- range,numeric, data, ip
- regexp,正则
- term,contain an exact term in a provided field
- 注意不要用term查询text字段, 如要查询name: 'betty zhao', 无法查到,实际查询时term完整匹配betty 或者完整匹配zhao, 不会完整匹配‘betty zhao’
- terms,多value查询, contain one or more exact terms in a provided field
- terms set,具体查文档
- type query,具体查文档
- wildcard,具体查文档
- 见
elastic > elasticsearch, text analyzers
- 模糊查询对应的分词方式
- standard analyzer, https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.5/analysis-standard-analyzer.html
- 分析tool, www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/test-analyzer.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-aggregations.html
- 数据库的聚合都有
- 不同类型的数据聚合方法不同
- 即数据库的查询方式
- painle: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/painless/current/painless-api-reference.html
- update 时常用到
- update with partial document
- scripted updates, update feild
- scripted updates,add/remove item to array
- scripted updates,do noting when exists
POST test/_doc/1/_update
"doc" : {
"name" : "new_name"
POST test/_doc/1/_update
"script" : {
"source": "ctx._source.counter += params.count",
"lang": "painless",
"params" : {
"count" : 4
POST test/_doc/1/_update
"script" : {
"source": "ctx._source.tags.add(params.tag)",
"lang": "painless",
"params" : {
"tag" : "blue"
POST test/_doc/1/_update
"script" : {
"source": "if (ctx._source.tags.contains(params.tag)) { ctx._source.tags.remove(ctx._source.tags.indexOf(params.tag)) }",
"lang": "painless",
"params" : {
"tag" : "blue"
POST test/_doc/1/_update
"script" : {
"source": "if (ctx._source.tags.contains(params.tag)) { ctx.op = 'delete' } else { ctx.op = 'none' }",
"lang": "painless",
"params" : {
"tag" : "green"
POST twitter/_update_by_query
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source.likes++",
"lang": "painless"
"query": {
"term": {
"user": "kimchy"