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Releases: bitfinexcom/bfx-report-electron


20 Sep 10:30
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[4.11.0] - 2023-09-20


  • Added ability to show success dialog for CSV exporting only after the emitCsvGenerationCompletedToOne event was sent by the backend for better understanding by users when the exporting process actually completed. PR: bfx-report-ui#698
  • Added the possibility of tweaking the ability to auto-start sync after the auto-update of the electron app via the Preferences menu: shouldNotSyncOnStartupAfterUpdate flag received on sign in. PR: bfx-report-ui#699
  • Implemented extra information handling and representation for the Movements report. PR: bfx-report-ui#702
  • Implemented LNX (LN-BTC) availability in the Symbol selector. PR: bfx-report-ui#703


  • Decreased candles request limit to 30 reqs/min to prevent Rate Limit restriction. PR: bfx-reports-framework#316
  • Improved server availability error message to be persistent. PR: bfx-reports-framework#317
  • Updated Nodejs to v18 in Docker containers and fixes UI dependencies installation under container. PR: bfx-reports-framework#318
  • Bumped Electron version up to v25 to have under hood Nodejs v18. PRs: bfx-report-electron#251, bfx-report-ui#701
  • Prevented showing error modal dialog due to inet issue. When the sync starts we send a ping request to BFX API to check that API is available. The idea is to not show error modal dialog for issues, just show error toast via UI when fetching the corresponding error with progress event via WS. PR: bfx-report-electron#252
  • Reworked and enhanced Columns filter to display the actual selected filters quantity for better clearance to the users. Reworked refresh button representation according to the design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#697
  • Improved user notification when data should be synced. Implemented synchronization auto-initiation if not syncing at the moment. PR: bfx-report-ui#700
  • Updated translations for UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#704



23 Aug 10:03
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Release [4.10.0] - 2023-08-23




  • Fixed the error message of the json rpc response. The idea is to have extra data in case we catch an error from BFX API side and on the UI use a transparent error message which can contain BFX API error reasons. PRs: bfx-report#327, bfx-report-ui#692
  • Fixed notifications positioning on page scrolling: When setting Table Scroll is turned off, the results of using Sum can appear below or above the part of the table that's currently visible. Fixed to be anchored to a specific part of the currently visible screen rather than a specific point in the table. PR: bfx-report-ui#686
  • Fixed redundant getUsers calls for the hosted version. PR: bfx-report-ui#689
  • Fixed issue with crashing Change Logs report when users remove the 2FA option from their account. PR: bfx-report-ui#690


09 Aug 08:05
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[4.9.3] - 2023-08-09


  • Fixed start timestamp of BFX API queries to be at least Date.UTC(2013) = 1356998400000 ms. The issue is the following: some restrictions of the BFX API are changed for the Funding Credits History, if we set start: 0 throws Internal Server Error from the API side. It's an issue for the sync mode (as we start syncing with 0) and setting the default value for requests. PRs: bfx-report#324, bfx-reports-framework#307


02 Aug 09:35
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[4.9.2] - 2023-08-02


  • Removed the Cumulative Weighted Price column and corresponding logic from the Weighted Averages report according to the latest requirements. Added Cost and Sale columns to the Weighted Averages report. PRs: bfx-report#319, bfx-reports-framework#302, bfx-report-ui#681
  • Improved sync time estimation flow as follows: in addition to existing emitting WS events when the next collection is syncing to not hold the previous time value (some collections can sync very long) adds an ability to emit the progress event every 1sec with new values spentTime and leftTime for better UX (so that the user does not think that sync has stalled). PR: bfx-reports-framework#303
  • Changed Rate Limits for public endpoints: trades to 15 req/min, candles to 60 req/min. PR: bfx-reports-framework#304


  • Fixed issues with the incorrect synchronization estimation time conversion and representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#680
  • Fixed handling bfx api ERR_AUTH_API: ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS error to prevent showing 500 Internal Server Error and error modal dialog in the electron app. PR: bfx-report#318
  • Fixed the issue #215 related to MaxListenersExceededWarning warning for the electron windows. PR: bfx-report-electron#229


12 Jul 09:13
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[4.9.1] - 2023-07-12



  • Added Rate Limit router to control BFX API requests bandwidth to resolve the long timeout issue and help users to go through the data sync. Bumped API call timeout to 90s. Reduced redundant positionsAudit calls to facilitate sync. Fixed stuck event loop to fix WS timeout on big data. PRs: bfx-report#314, bfx-reports-framework#298


05 Jul 12:37
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[4.9.0] - 2023-07-05




  • Fixed the issue with the active state losing in the Wallets section when switching to the Movements tab. PR: bfx-report-ui#669
  • Fixed issues with the incorrect accounts registration type detection. PR: bfx-report-ui#670
  • Fixed the Export option unavailability in the top navigation menu and showing Start Sync only in the framework mode. PR: bfx-report-ui#672


22 Jun 11:59
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[4.8.1] - 2023-06-22



21 Jun 13:02
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[4.8.0] - 2023-06-21



  • Prevented proxying all HTML of the BFX API error. PR: bfx-report#299
  • Enhanced Reports tables representation according to the latest design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#664



07 Jun 10:19
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[4.7.1] - 2023-06-07


  • Added a note to the electron app that BFX API Staging is used. PR: bfx-report-electron#207
  • Added app download section available for the web users and corresponding logic where they can get the latest Reports App version for their OS. PR: bfx-report-ui#657
  • Implemented displaying accounts group name (if available) for multiple accounts instead of the primary account email on the main Sign In screen for better clearance to the users. Implemented the possibility of changing existing accounts groups names for multiple accounts. PR: bfx-report-ui#659


  • Increased getAccountSummary request timeout to 30s, the rest requests will use 20s timeout for the bfx-api-node-rest lib. PR: bfx-report#293
  • Added 3 retries instead of 2 when catching Rate Limit error to help users to go through sync in the electron app. PR: bfx-report#294
  • Implemented navigation via tabs between Balances and Movements reports in the Wallets sub-section. Expanded My Account and My History sections by default for better UX. Actualized several sub-sections naming. PR: bfx-report-ui#658


  • Fixed issue with reloading UI page via the menu bar options. In the electron env need to trigger-electron-load event after running Force Reload and Reload menu commands with express api port. PR: bfx-report-electron#206


24 May 11:35
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[4.7.0] - 2023-05-24


  • Added the localUsername field to the getUsers method response to be able to modify the local username on sign-in for sub-accounts. PR: bfx-reports-framework#281
  • Added the possibility of optional naming for multiple accounts during creating or updating, implemented displaying optional localUsername (if available) instead of the account email. PR: bfx-report-ui#650


  • Prevented selected dates range preserving by default between login sessions, the default range Last 2 Weeks will be set from the start until the Preserve Timeframe option won't be turned on in the Preferences menu. PR: bfx-report-ui#651
  • Reworked and improved the Manage Accounts section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Implemented the possibility of picking the Use API key option in the registered accounts selector and adding a sub-account via API key/secret in this case. Prefills the optional group name field with the master account name by default. Actualizes related elements styling and fields descriptions. Improves sub-accounts section scroll representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#652
  • Improved Weighted Averages web version limit note representation according to the latest design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#654


  • Fixed issues with auth token invalidate intervals. The issue is at this moment UI flow intends to remove sub-account without login using email, it means we have to handle the absence of a user session on deletion. PR: bfx-reports-framework#282
  • Fixed columns filter elements overflowing issues. PR: bfx-report-ui#649
  • Fixed the issue with the Password input availability on the main registered users list screen in some specific cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#653