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Releases: blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview


05 Apr 00:32
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Functions are now vectorized.

If you pass a list to a function which expects something else (like passing a list of strings to lower() instead of
just a single string), then the function will also return a list where it has been applied to every value. If you have
used scientific programming languages like Matlab or Python Dataframes before, this is similar behavior.


04 Apr 22:00
Choose a tag to compare

Minor bugfixes.

  • Link-link comparisons now work properly.
  • Durations are properly normalized so you can use all of the accessors (like '.year', '.month').
  • Link parsing was corrected so you can use multiple links in the FROM statement.


23 Mar 23:17
Choose a tag to compare

Can now use '!' in front of sources to negate them as well, so you can use '!' for negation everywhere. '-' for negation
in sources is still supported.


23 Mar 23:09
Choose a tag to compare

Small fixes.

  • #50: Fix special characters in links; all special characters should now work.
  • #52: Add date.week (week of month), date.weekyear (week of year), and date.weekday (day in week).
  • Add support for parsing 'null' explicitly, so you can now compare against null (field != null).


23 Mar 03:54
Choose a tag to compare

Delayed release due to some personal sickness and waffling about query syntax. Notable new features:

  1. Addition of the LIMIT operator.
  2. Addition of the GROUP BY operator (limited usability but solid foundation...).
  3. Addition of the FLATTEN operator.
  4. Expansion of documentation at . Still pretty barebones but has basic
  5. Fixed duration rendering.
  6. Query by incoming links ([[link]]) and outgoing links (outgoing([[link]])).
  7. Addition of string replace, lower, upper.
  8. Addition of array swizzling, where you can map an array of objects to an array of fields (mainly useful for GROUP BY). If you have an array a of objects with the field test, Then a.test will yield an array of the values of
    test in the objects.
  9. Support for date format in the form YYYYMMDD.


08 Mar 01:45
Choose a tag to compare

Fix broken 0.1.9 release.


07 Mar 20:50
Choose a tag to compare
  • Start docs/ folder
  • Add several more list / string functions
  • Implement regexmatch()


06 Mar 04:36
Choose a tag to compare
  • Improved parsing, array, object, link support

    • You can now use non-English characters for tags and variables.
    • Fixes another crash related to templating in tags.
    • Adds link parsing and link support in frontmatter
    • Adds function parsing support.
    • Internal revamp of the query engine, supporting objects and arrays.
    • Support negation in both sources and fields.
    • Double number of tests, more to come.
  • Add more tests, use es6 to compile

  • Indexing & other features

    • Add dot notation (a.b), index notation (a[b]), and function calls.
    • Can access date fields using dot notation (date.year, date.month,
    • Can properly render objects, links, and arrays.
    • Links now work properly in frontmatter.
    • Add tests & improve stability.
    • Better rendering for errors.
    • Field negation AND source negation


25 Feb 00:30
Choose a tag to compare

Add more tests to fix some query regressions.


24 Feb 23:45
Choose a tag to compare

Various minor improvements and bugfixes.

  • Adds the '!=' operator.
  • Fixes several major parser bugs which caused incorrect parses.
  • Fixed the implementation of some operators like 'or' and 'and'.
  • Improve table layout (now includes thead/tbody).
  • Render "query returned 0 results" for queries that returned no
  • Catch more errors at runtime and display them inline instead of just in the console.
  • Specify a default value for nulls.
  • Mild README comprehension improvements.
  • Added donation option and contributor section to README.