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Summary of Session 05

Full Video

Primer reading:

The broad agenda was to explore offline message signing using only the cryptographic functions offered by Ethereum.

Basically the most widespread usage of public-key cryptography (also known as asymmetric cryptography).

  • One party signs a message (technically, a collection of bytes) with their private key, securely, offline.

  • In our example, this is the party that wishes to confirm a withdrawal ID

    • not by sending a transaction from their Ethereum account
    • but by signing a certain expected message format with their private key which generates a signed object (65 bytes in length)
    • and sending the resulting signed object to the smart contract with the context of a _requestId
  • The expected message format is known by mutual agreement to the receiver: in this case: the KidMultiSig contract. The message is agreed upon both by the prover and the receiver to be a concatenation of request ID and the current contract address of KidMultiSig.

  • Based on this information, the public Ethereum address of the party that signed the known message format is revealed. Think of it as a seal identifying a certain institution or authority. Very close to the concept of how a notary functions. Authorized notes from such parties open up doors in different processes.

This folder contains the smart contract along with python and JS code to interact with it.

Constructing the message in solidity

Taking the relevant bit of source code from the contract

function confirmRequestWithSignature(
	uint256 _requestId,
	bytes memory signatureObject
public {


	bytes memory expectedFormat = abi.encodePacked(_requestId, address(this));

    // bind the expected format within 32 bytes by hashing
    bytes32 message = prefixed(keccak256(expectedFormat));

	// run the same signing algorithm on the hashed 32-byte message, and recover the public key from the Signed Object
    address signer = recoverSigner(message, signatureObject);



Constructing the message in Python

Taking relevant bits of source code from

def sign_confirmation(request_id, contractaddr, private_key):  
  print('Signing data with requestId, contractaddr...')  
  pre_hash = solidityKeccak(abi_types=['uint256', 'address'], values=[request_id, contractaddr], validity_check=True)  
  msg_hash = defunct_hash_message(hexstr=pre_hash.hex())  
  signed_msg_hash = Account.signHash(msg_hash, private_key)  
  print(f'Signed message hash: {signed_msg_hash.signature.hex()}')  
  # return bytes.fromhex(s=signed_msg_hash.signature.hex())  
  return signed_msg_hash.signature.hex()

Recovering the message in Solidity

Once the above Python code sends out the signed message object to the smart contract as a hex string that represents a series of bytes, recoverSigner() does the work of splitting this 65 byte signed message object into three parts (v, r, s)

With these three values of (v, r, s) and the final bytes memory signatureObject,

  • we can run the ECDSA primitive offered in Ethereum as well as the Solidity programming language, ecrecover
  • and finally recover the public Ethereum account address that signed the signatureObject

Ensure you have created at least one open Withdrawal request on the smart contract.

Instructions for Python

  • Install Python SDK with a single command if you already initialized ev-cli. The Python SDK automatically picks up your credentials from ~/.ethvigil/settings.json in that case.

pip install git+

Detailed installation instructions on EthVigil Docs in case you need to reinstall from scratch.

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Change the very last line in the python file to assign the private key of one of the participants used in the contract constructor arguments

if __name__ == '__main__':  
  # ensure this is a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string
  • Run the python script with the request ID as the first argument and the contract address as the second

    python <request_id_integer> <contract_address_KidMultiSig>

    For eg.

    python 1 0x2f57f5748d988e6cf46cf3d8a9ce60ea420ba6b4

Instructions for NodeJS

  • Run npm install

  • copy config.example.js to config.js and fill up the values.

  • Run node .


  • Attempt to understand the function splitSignature(bytes memory sig) and report on it

  • Emit a new event NewDeposit(uint256 amount, address depositor) after updating the balances in the following function

function deposit() public onlyParticipant  {

  • In the function confirmRequestWithSignature ensure that when the withdrawal is confirmed, individual balances in balances also gets updated just like totalBalance below
if (isRequestConfirmed(_requestId)) {
     emit WithdrawalConfirmed(_requestId, requestedWithdrawals[_requestId]);
     emit ConfirmationSigRecieved(_requestId, signer);
     totalBalance -= requestedWithdrawals[_requestId];
  • Introduce a function to get the status of confirmation on requests for a specific participant.
function getRequestConfirmationStatus(uint256 _requestId, address participant)
public view
returns (bool)

  • How can you use the above function to get the confirmation status of all participants in the contract against a specific request ID?

  • Attempt to modify the confirmRequestWithSignature function so that once a WithdrawalConfirmed event has been emitted for a specific _requestId, no more participants should be allowed to call this function.

Hint: add a new function modifier requestIsNotConfirmed that will revert() when it finds that

number of approving parties >= total participants÷2