The list of built-in comparators available in xcdiff.
Compares project attributes (e.g. Organization name, last upgrade check, etc...).
Compares build phases i.e. dependencies, sources, headers, to ensure all are present in both projects in the same order.
Compares build configurations i.e. Debug, Release.
Compares copy files build phases i.e. embed frameworks, extensions.
Compares dependencies build phases.
Compares all file references in the Xcode project.
As the comparator is very sensitive, it's likely that differences from other comparators will be flagged here too.
Compares headers including their visibility attributes i.e. Public, Project, and Private.
Compares linked dependencies
Compares evaluated build settings, the final values used by the build system.
As the comparator uses xcodebuild -showBuildSettings
under the hood, it can be slow depending on the number of targets and configurations being compared. As such it's not included in the default list of comparators.
Compares resources i.e. files copied to the resources directory.
Compares Run Script build phases including the name, properties, and input and output file lists.
Compares raw project and target level build settings values.
Compares sources including their compiler flag attributes.
Compares the project group structure.
Compares the associated remote Swift Packages.
Compares target names and types.