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Flow integration, based on the concepts of FlowControllers, Coordinators and ResponderChain.

Basic Usage

Create and configure the Routes

enum MyRoute: RouteType {

    // MARK: - Routes
    case login
    case homeTabBar(tab: HomeTab)
    // MARK: - RouteType
    var transition: RouteTransition {
        switch self {
        case .login: return .set
        case .homeTabBar: return .set

Creating and using a Router

// Create a router
let rootNavigationController = UINavigationController()
let router = Router<MyRoute>(navigationController: rootNavigationController)

// Navigate to a route using enums
router.navigate(to: MyRoute.login)

// Navigate to a route using URL's

Create an Integrator

This is the part where you implement the `integration` related stuff, such as:
    - Delegates / closures / etc, for the callbacks from your controllers or actors.
    - Configure the actions before each transition, i.e., register the route resolvers, 
      in order to have control over the flow.                                            
class MyIntegrator: Integrator<MyRoute> {
    // This function needs to be `overriden`, otherwhise, it's gonna throw a `fatalError`
    override func start() {
        // Implement everithing that is related to the start of the flow...
        // We we suggest to set the first / starting route here.
    override func executeBeforeTransition(to route: RouteType) throws -> UIViewController {
       // Here goes the logic you need before each transition... 
       // Stuff like ViewController configurations and such.

Advanced Usage

URL Support

You only need to do one thing to add URL support to your routes:

  • register the mapping functions for the required path patterns.
class MyIntegrator: Integrator<MyRoute> {

    /* ... */

    func registerURLs() {"login") { _ in return .login }"home-tabbar/{tab}") { try MyRoute.homeTabBar(HomeTab($0.param("tab"))) }


Then, handle it on the AppDelegate:

extension AppDelegate {

    /// Open Universal Links
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
                 restorationHandler: @escaping ([Any]?) -> Void) -> Bool
        guard userActivity.activityType == NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb,
            let url = userActivity.webpageURL,
            let handledURL = router.openURL(url) else {
            return false // Unrecognized URL

        return handledURL


Custom Transitions

NOTE: This is done exactly like in XRouter, so I copied their documentation for this part.

Here is an example using the popular Hero Transitions library.

Set the customTransitionDelegate for the Router:

router.customTransitionDelegate = self

(Optional) Define your custom transitions in an extension so you can refer to them statically

extension RouteTransition {
    static var heroCrossFade: RouteTransition {
        return .custom(identifier: "HeroCrossFade")

Implement the delegate method performTransition(...):

extension Router: RouterCustomTransitionDelegate {

    /// Handle custom transitions
    func performTransition(to viewController: UIViewController,
                           from sourceViewController: UIViewController,
                           transition: RouteTransition,
                           animated: Bool,
                           completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) {
        if transition == .heroCrossFade {
            sourceViewController.hero.isEnabled = true
            destViewController.hero.isEnabled = true
            destViewController.hero.modalAnimationType = .fade

            // Creates a container nav stack
            let containerNavController = UINavigationController()
            containerNavController.hero.isEnabled = true
            containerNavController.setViewControllers([newViewController], animated: false)

            // Present the hero animation
            sourceViewController.present(containerNavController, animated: animated) {
        } else {


And override the transition to your custom in your Router:

    override func transition(for route: Route) -> RouteTransition {
        switch route {
            case .profile:
                return .heroCrossFade
                return super.transition(for: route)

Integrator to Integrator communication

In order to send messages from the Parent flow to it's Child, you need to do this:

class MyParentIntegrator: Integrator {

     /* ... */
     func someThingThatNeedsToPassAMessageToTheChilds {
        // Define the message, normally and enum, which needs to conform with `IntegratorInput`
        let message = .something(with: someData)
        // Then send it
        sendInputToChild("MyChildIdentifier", input: message)
        // OR
        broadcastInputToAllChilds(input: message)


On the Child, you need to override the function below in order to intercept the messages.

class MyChildIntegrator: Integrator {

     /* ... */
    override func receiveInput(_ input: IntegratorInput) {
        switch (input) {
        case .someInput(let data):
            // Do something with the data

In order to send messages from the Child flow to it's Parent, you need to do this:

class MyChildIntegrator: Integrator {

     /* ... */
     func someThingThatNeedsToPassAMessageToTheParent {
        // Define the message, normally and enum, which needs to conform with `Integrator`
        let message = .something(with: someData)
        // Then send it
        sendOutputToParent(output: message)


On the Parent, you need to override the function below in order to intercept the messages.

class MyParentIntegrator: Integrator {

    /* ... */

    func receiveOutput(from child: Integrator, output: IntegratorOutput) {
        switch (child, output) {
        case let (integrator as SomeIntegrator, output as SomeIntegrator.Output):
            switch output {
            case .someOutput:
                // Do something with the message received
                sendOutputToParent(output) // Then pass it on if needed, or not...
        default: return



Examples and more tests (unit included)!

Thank you note

Thanks to the guys from XRouter, URLNavigator, RouteComposer, CoreNavigation and Compass for the resources provided that helped me to create this tool.