Simulation Toolkit for Electrical Power Systems Maintainer: Changgang Li [email protected] Please go to for documentation.
How to build:
- Select which LA solver is to be used Open STEPS.cbp and go to header/basic/sparse_matrix_define.h. Comment the solver you don't want to use. For example, if you want to keep only c_sparse, comment out umfpack and klu. Then go to source/basic/sparse_matrix_klu.cpp and umfpack.cpp, disable 'compile' and 'link' options of the two files.
- Go compile the LS solver. For example, open csparse.cbp, and compile CSparse. The target should be 'static library'
- Go compile the CppTest. Open cpptest.cbp, and compile CppTest. The target should be 'static library'
- Build STEPS In the linker settings, you should include the above two static libraries libCSparse.a and libCpptest.a. Then compile the STEPS.
- If you want to build a 64bit version, use 64 bit MinGW and select the X64 version compiler.
If you want to compile a complete version, follow the steps:
- Compile BLAS as static library
- Compile UMFPACK as static library
- Compile CSparse as static library
- Compile CppTest as static library
- Compile STEPS as dynamic library or exectuable file. Include libUMFPACK.a, libBLAS.a, libCSparse.a, and libCpptest.a. Put libBLAS.a after libUMFPACK.a.
When compiling in Windows, remove -no-pie and -lgfortran options and remove libKLU.a, libBLAS.a, libUMFPACK.a