Flexible neural quantum states based on QuSpin, JAX, and Equinox.
(Many thanks to Marin Bukov for the help with QuSpin)
Download quspin-linux_reqs.txt
In the folder of quspin-linux_reqs.txt
conda create -n quantax --file quspin-linux_reqs.txt
(you are free to choose other environment names)
conda activate quantax
Quantax relies on the dev_0.3.8 branch of QuSpin, which can't be easily installed through pip or conda. Follow the instruction below for manual installation.
cd ~
(or choose a folder where you want to clone the repository)
git clone -b dev_0.3.8 https://github.com/QuSpin/QuSpin.git
cd QuSpin
python setup.py install build_ext -i --omp
This will take some time and show many harmless warnings.
Try import quspin
in a jupyter notebook. The manually installed QuSpin may raise circular import error. This problem can be solved by copying the quspin source code into site-packages
of the conda environment and replacing the installed QuSpin files.
Install JAX according to the installation guide
cd ~
(or choose a folder where you want to clone the repository)
git clone https://github.com/ChenAo-Phys/quantax.git
cd quantax
pip install .
- Nvidia GPU