Testing whether Aleph library can be used in a native binary image with GraalVM.
Currently testing:
[aleph "0.4.7-alpha5"]
(All Netty dependencies) "4.1.39.Final"
Test with:
lein do clean, uberjar, native, run-native
On a separate terminal:
$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 21:37:41 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 13
Server: Jetty(9.4.12.v20180830)
Hello GraalVM
- This requires overriding Aleph's Netty dependencies to use Netty
. Possibly older versions of Netty would also work, but Netty is adding improvements to native-image generation all the time, so I recommend using a recent version. - Quite a few classes need to be initialized at runtime if you also
- This won't work if you are trying to create a Netty server that serves TLS.
See https://medium.com/graalvm/updates-on-class-initialization-in-graalvm-native-image-generation-c61faca461f7 and https://github.com/cstancu/netty-native-demo for more info on building a native image with Netty.
- Native image compilation works with GraalVM-CE-Java11-20.1.0 and GraalVM-CE-Java8-20.0.0.