The Waste Collection Schedule
component can be installed via HACS. This allows you to be notified of any updates or new releases of the component.
After installing HACS:
- Visit the HACS
panel in Home Assistant. - Click
Explore & Download Repositories
. - Search for
Waste Collection Schedule
. - Click on the
Waste Collection Schedule
entry. - Click on
to copy the relevant files to yourconfig/custom_components/
directory. - Configure your waste collection source(s).
- Configure your waste collection sensor(s).
- Restart Home Assistant.
- Navigate to the waste_collection_schedule directory.
- Copy the
folder (including all files and subdirectories) to your Home Assistantconfig/custom_components/
directory. - Configure your waste collection source(s).
- Configure your waste collection sensor(s).
- Restart Home Assistant.
To use Waste Collection Schedules, additional entries need to be made in your configuration.yaml
file. The required entries are:
Configuring source(s)
For each service provider, a source has to be added to the configuration. The source takes care of the arguments required to get the correct information from the service provider's web page, e.g. district, city, street, house number, etc.
If you have to fetch data from multiple service providers, you have to add multiple sources. You can also add the same service provider multiple times. This only makes sense if you use it with different arguments, e.g. you are looking to display waste collection schedules for multiple districts served by the same provider.
If you prefer to combine the data into one calendar entity, you can use the multiple wrapper source.
Configuring sensor(s)
Sensors are used to visualize the retrieved information, e.g. waste type, next collection date, or number of days to next collection. The sensor state (which can be shown in a Lovelace/Mushroom cards) can be customized using templates. For example, you can display the collection type only, or the next collection date, or a combination of all available information.
You can also add multiple sensors per source if you are going to display the information in separate entities. For example, if you want each waste type to have its own entity, you can add one sensor per collection type.
- name: SOURCE
arg1: ARG1
arg2: ARG2
arg3: ARG3
- type: TYPE
alias: ALIAS
show: SHOW
icon: ICON
picture: PICTURE
use_dedicated_calendar: USE_DEDICATED_CALENDAR
dedicated_calendar_title: DEDICATED_CALENDAR_TITLE
calendar_title: CALENDAR_TITLE
fetch_time: FETCH_TIME
random_fetch_time_offset: RANDOM_FETCH_TIME_OFFSET
day_switch_time: DAY_SWITCH_TIME
separator: SEPARATOR
Parameter | Type | Requirement | Description |
sources | list | required | Contains information for the service provider being used. For details see Attributes for sources |
fetch_time | time | optional | representation of the time of day in "HH:MM" that Home Assistant polls service provider for latest collection schedule. If no time is provided, the default of "01:00" is used |
random_fetch_time_offset | int | optional | randomly offsets the fetch_time by up to int minutes. Can be used to distribute Home Assistant fetch commands over a longer time frame to avoid peak loads at service providers |
day_switch_time | time | optional | time of the day in "HH:MM" that Home Assistant dismisses the current entry and moves to the next entry. If no time if provided, the default of "10:00" is used. |
separator | string | optional | Used to join entries if the multiple values for a single day are returned by the source. If no value is entered, the default of ", " is used |
Parameter | Type | Requirement | Description |
name | string | required | name of the service provider source to use. Should be the same as the source filename, but without the .py extension. See the README for supported service providers |
args | various | required | source-specific arguments provided to service provider to unambiguously identify the collection schedule to return. Depending on the service provider, some arguments may be mandatory, and some may be optional. See individual sources for more details |
customize | list | optional | Can be used to customise data retrieved from a source. For details see Attributes for customize |
calendar_title | string | optional | A more readable, or user-friendly, name for the waste calendar. If nothing is provided, the name returned by the source will be used |
Parameter | Type | Requirement | Description |
type | string | required | The identity of the waste type as returned from the source |
alias | string | optional | A more readable, or user-friendly, name for the type of waste being collected. Default is None |
show | boolean | optional | Show (True ) or hide (False ) collections of this specific waste type. Default is True |
icon | string | optional | Icon to use for this specific waste type. Icons from the Home Assistant mdi icon set can be used. Default is None . |
picture | string | optional | string representation of the path to a picture used to represent this specific waste type. Default is None |
use_dedicated_calendar | boolean | optional | Creates a calendar dedicated to this specific waste type. Default is False |
dedicated_calendar_title | string | optional | A more readable, or user-friendly, name for this specific waste calendar object. If nothing is provided, the name returned by the source will be used |
Add the following lines to your configuration.yaml
- platform: waste_collection_schedule
source_index: SOURCE_INDEX
name: NAME
details_format: DETAILS_FORMAT
count: COUNT
leadtime: LEADTIME
value_template: VALUE_TEMPLATE
date_template: DATE_TEMPLATE
add_days_to: ADD_DAYS_TO
event_index: EVENT_INDEX
- Waste Type 1
- Waste Type 2
Parameter | Type | Requirement | Description |
platform | required | waste_collection_schedule | |
source_index | int | optional | Used to assign a sensor to a specific source. Only needed if multiple sources are defined. The first source defined is source_index 0, the second source_index 1, etc. If no value is supplied, the default of 0 is used. If you want to have a sensor which combines the data from multiple sources, just add a list of sources here. Example |
name | string | required | The name Home Assistant used for this sensor |
details_format | string | optional | Specifies the format used to display info in Home Assistant's more info pop-up. Valid values are: upcoming , appointment_types , generic and hidden . If no value is supplied, the default of "upcoming" is used. See options for details_format for more details |
count | int | optional | Limits Home Assistant's more info popup to displaying the next int collections |
leadtime | int | optional | Limits Home Assistant's more info popup to only displaying collections happening within the next leadtime days |
value_template | string | optional | Uses Home Assistant templating to format the state information of an entity. See template variables for further details |
date_template | string | optional | Uses Home Assistant templating to format the dates appearing within the more info popup information of an entity. See template variables for further details |
add_days_to | boolean | optional | Adds a daysTo attribute to the source entity state containing the number of days to the next collection |
event_index | int | optional | Used to assign a sensor to a specific pickup date index. The next pickup date has event_index 0. Useful if you want to have dedicated sensors for next collection, second collection, third collection, ... |
types | list of strings | optional | Used to filter waste types. The sensor will only display collections matching these waste types. You need to use the alias if you used alias in the customize section of the sources configuration. |
Possible choices:
The following variables can be used within value_template
and date_template
Variable | Description | Type | Comments |
---|---|---|---| |
Collection date | | Use strftime to format the output |
value.daysTo |
Days to collection | int | 0 = today, 1 = tomorrow, etc |
value.types |
Waste types | list of strings | Use join filter to join types |
value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}'
value_template: 'in {{value.daysTo}} days'
value_template: 'on {{"%a")}}, {{"%d.%m.%Y")}}'
To combine data from multiple sources into one sensor, just add the source indexes like that:
source_index: [0, 1]
- 0
- 1
If you prefer to combine the data into one calendar entity, you can use the multiple wrapper source.
If you want to trigger a manual update of the sources, you can call the service:
Normally the configuration option 'fetch_time' is used to do this periodically.
For a full example, see custom_components/waste_collection_schedule/waste_collection_schedule/source/
For other examples on how to configure source(s) and sensor(s), see the FAQ.