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Releases: cognitedata/inso-bootstrap-cli

v3 beta-release including new `space` scoping for dataModel and dataModelInstances

10 May 12:59
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This is a PRE-RELEASE tagged as v3.0.0-beta.1 and it is still under testing and review.

  • as well it is already used successful in one customer production environment
  • so you can use it as gh-action like this
- uses: cognitedata/[email protected]

It is a BREAKING-CHANGE because

  • a complete code-refactoring happened
  • it changed some configurations, default values and cli parameter logic
  • and it can break threed scoping which has now switched to dataset-scoped (which can lead to inaccessible 3d-resources)

Please refer to the MIGRATION-GUIDE v2 to v3 as a starting point. The documentation provided as README is updated as well and covers the latest changes.

Release v2.7.0

19 Apr 11:10
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Release v2.6.0

20 Mar 19:02
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This feature release adds another capability: annotationsAcl (see API v1 documentation for more details about Annotations)

Release v2.5.1

01 Mar 15:28
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  1. This feature-release adds another CDF Groups capability: extractionConfigsAcl.

  2. This release fixes a regression introduced with the new validation step from last-release v2.4.0.

  • It now supports again shared-access configurations using aggregated-nodes (i.e. node-level src:all or top-level all)

Release v2.4.0

10 Jan 12:58
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Based on user feedback this release adds an additional configuration validation step.

It aborts and throws a BootstrapValidationError for each non-existent node-name reference in shared-access configurations.

Example traceback message:

incubator.bootstrap_cli.configuration.BootstrapValidationError: Shared Access validation error(s):
1. Non existent node-name reference "src:009:bar" found in "src:001:sap"
2. Non existent node-name reference "src:008:foo" found in "uc:001:oee".shared-access.owner
3. Non existent node-name reference "src:001:opcua" found in "uc:001:oee"

This errors were triggered by this namespace configuration block

        # Typical config will have a namespace for data sources ("src") and a namespace for use cases ("uc")
        - ns-name: src
          description: Data sources for the Ice Cream Factory
              - node-name: src:001:sap
                description: Data from SAP # HINT
                  - node-name: src:009:bar
              - node-name: src:002:opcua
                description: Data from OPC-UA

        - ns-name: uc
          description: Use cases for the Ice Cream Factory
            - node-name: uc:001:oee
              description: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) - Use Case
                  - node-name: src:001:sap
                  - node-name: src:001:opcua
                  - node-name: src:008:foo

Release v2.3.0

21 Nov 13:50
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  • this feature release added another capability: wells (which comes with no data_set support)
  • the capability will be added to CDF API documentation createGroups too
  • small additional fix was changing pre-commit flake8, which moved its repo from gitlab to github

Release v2.2.1

26 Sep 13:05
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  • only updated poetry.lock file to fix a Dependabot security warning (bumping oauthlib from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1)
  • in case you run from command-line, run a poetry install to pick up the change locally

Release v2.2.0

31 Aug 08:50
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This release adds four additional ACLs:

  • Added templateGroups + templateInstances (which come with Data Set support)
  • two more acls for Flexible Data Modeling (FDM) dataModels + dataModelInstances
    • bootstrap only supports "all" scope for FDM now, as externalId scope is not supported yet, and hopefully will change before GA
    • acls expected not to harm if FDM is not activated
  • bumped version number to new v2.2.0
  • update your gh-action if you need the new ACLs

Release v2.1.0

09 Aug 12:54
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  • acls: Adding four additional acls (#51) (695cd81)

extending the capabilities (acls) list for read / owner roles:

  • seismic
  • digitalTwin
  • geospatial
  • geospatialCrs

(all added scopes only supports all-scope)

Release v2.0.3

09 Aug 09:06
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  • Refactor config caching of deployed CDF configurations (#50) (ffffc4a)

this release is replacing time.sleep() statements (which failed sometimes to reload CDF resources in time)

  • refactored into immediate caching of CDF resource changes as responded by SDK requests
    • the self.deployed variable is now of type CogniteDeployedCache with support to create, update or delete cache entries
  • Potential problem fixed with DRY-RUN and 'delete' command
  • enhanced dry-run logging
  • Removed chunks from dataset creation (already covered by SDK)
  • made the --debug flag working, which can now overwrite a INFO level from config-yaml
    • solution was to use the root-logger as global '_logging' variable as it is shared with extractor-utils 'LoggingConfig'
    • switched a lot of logging to DEBUG level to cleanup the INFO log