Severity Prediction in Mental Health: LLM-based Creation, Analysis, Evaluation of a Novel Multilingual Dataset
by Konstantinos Skianis, John Pavlopoulos, A. Seza Dogruöz
- Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly being integrated into medical fields, including mental health support systems
- There is a gap in research regarding the effectiveness of LLMs in non-English mental health support applications
- To address this problem, a novel multilingual adaptation of widely-used mental health datasets was created
- Datasets were translated from English into six languages: Greek, Turkish, French, Portuguese, German, and Finnish
- Enables comprehensive evaluation of LLM performance in detecting mental health conditions and assessing their severity across multiple languages
- Experiments with GPT and Llama observed considerable variability in performance across languages
- Despite being evaluated on the same translated dataset
- Underscores the complexities inherent in multilingual mental health support, where language-specific nuances and mental health data coverage can effect accuracy of the models
- Comprehensive error analysis emphasizes risks of relying exclusively on large language models (LLMs) in medical settings (e.g., potential for misdiagnoses)
- Proposed approach offers significant cost savings for multilingual tasks, presenting a major advantage for broad-scale implementation.
Large Language Models (LLMs) in Healthcare:
- LLMs demonstrate impressive ability to generate human-like text and perform complex tasks
- Potential application: Assist medical professionals with mental health diagnosis and treatment
- Mental health disorders are widespread, presenting public health challenges
- Traditional diagnostic methods are time-consuming and labor intensive
- LLMs can process vast amounts of textual data to detect linguistic indicators related to mental health issues
- Research on applying LLMs in mental health domain is mostly English-based, with a need for exploration in other languages
Research Questions:
- How accurately can LLMs predict severity of mental health conditions using English language?
- When English datasets are translated into other languages using LLMs, does the model maintain similar accuracy?
- Creation of a novel multilingual dataset covering English and six other languages (Turkish, French, Portuguese, German, Greek, Finnish) derived from user-generated social media content
- Evaluation of effectiveness of LLM in predicting mental health condition severity across different languages
- Analysis of model performance in each language with insights into linguistic diversity's effect on outcomes
- First study to utilize LLMs for creating and evaluating multilingual adaptations of mental health NLP datasets, specifically designed to detect mental health condition severity
- Emphasizes the need for inclusive and adaptable AI tools and datasets in mental health care, accounting for cultural and linguistic diversity, especially in non-English contexts with cost-efficient methods.
Related Work on NLP for Mental Health
- Early investigations focused on identifying mental health symptoms from textual data using machine learning methods
- Analyzing social media content, online health forum discussions, etc. to find indicators of conditions like depression, anxiety
- Primarily relied on traditional machine learning algorithms with handcrafted features which lacked sophistication compared to current LLMs
- Multilingual Capabilities of LLMs
- XLM-R model demonstrated strong cross-lingual performance in multiple languages
- LLMs excel at processing and generating text in various languages, including low-resource ones
- Challenges: language nuances tied to cultural frameworks, low-resource languages with limited data availability
- Addressing Challenges
- Developing more advanced culturally aware algorithms
- Incorporating datasets representative of linguistic and cultural diversity
LLMs for Mental Health Applications
- Detect mental health symptoms with greater precision due to advanced understanding of context and semantics
- Notable examples: BioBERT, Clinical-BERT, MentalBERT, DisorBERT, Suicidal-BERT, MentalLLM, and MentalLlama
- Advantages: analyzing vast amounts of textual data from social media platforms to identify linguistic patterns associated with mental health conditions
- Disadvantages: potential privacy concerns regarding personal data usage
- Social Network Datasets for Mental Health Research
- Recent availability of large datasets focusing on mental health, e.g., Reddit and Twitter posts related to depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, eating disorders
- Fine-tuning several models using smaller public annotated mental health datasets to facilitate labeling for new datasets
- Limitations: only English language data available which hinders further research in multilingual contexts.
Methodology for Leveraging LLMs and Social Media Posts
- Comprehensive methodology proposed for translating social media posts into multiple languages using LLMs
- Translations fed into prompt asking LLM to predict mental health condition severity levels
- Predicted classes compared with ground truth labels, evaluation metrics computed
- Aim is to evaluate LLMs on multilingual detection of mental health conditions in under-resourced languages
Approach Overview:
- Use an LLM for translating social media posts into proposed languages
- Feed translated texts into a prompt asking for mental health condition predictions
- Compare predicted classes with ground truth labels and compute evaluation metrics
- Evaluate LLMs on multilingual detection of mental health conditions in under-resourced languages.
- Introduced by Naseem et al. (2022)
- Comprises posts from Reddit on depression levels
- Includes: minimal, mild, moderate, and severe depression
- Highly imbalanced dataset with majority in minimal severity
- Contains texts from Twitter (English)
- 1,300 suicidal ideation tweets gathered
- Labeled manually into three classes: not suicidal, suicidal ideation, potential suicide attempt
- Balanced dataset in terms of frequency of occurrence
Additional Information:
- Multiple-class datasets used to increase difficulty for the Language Model (LLM)
- Binary classification tasks would be simpler to solve.
- Use of GPT3.5-turbo, GPT-40-mini via OpenAI API, Llama3.1 for translation and prediction
- Recent models like MentaLLaMA (Yang et al., 2024) not suitable due to English focus
- Temperature parameter set to 0 for consistent results
- Experimentation with no examples in prompt (0-shot) and one example per class (1-shot)
Task Approach
- Classification problem: compare predicted classes to Dataset Reference Categories
- Depression Severity Dataset: DEP-SEVERITY by Naseem et al. (2022)
- Depression: 4 classes, 3553 instances
- Minimum: 2587 samples
- Mild: 290 samples
- Moderate: 394 samples
- Severe: 282 samples
- Suicide Ideation Dataset: SUI-TWI by Mirza Ibtihaj et al. (2020)
- Suicide: 3 classes, 1300 instances
- Not Suicidal: 515 samples
- Suicidal Ideation: 455 samples
- Potential Suicide Attempt: 330 samples
- Report Precision (Pr), Recall (Rec), and F1 for experiments
Language Families
- Seven languages tested: Turkish (Altaic), French, Portuguese (Romance), English, German (Germanic), Finnish (Uralic), Greek (Hellenic)
- Table 2 shows the prediction prompts used to determine severity levels.
Preliminary Prompting
- Inquired about LLM's approach to categorizing social media posts into depression severity levels
- Identified specific language cues for each level:
- Level 1 (Minimal): Infrequent or minor expressions of sadness or frustration
- Level 2 (Mild): More consistent negative emotions, behavioral shifts
- Level 3 (Moderate): Substantial interference with daily life, emotional distress
- Level 4 (Severe): Extreme emotional distress, risk of self-harm or complete social disengagement
Detecting Depression Indicators in Social Media Posts
- Not Suicidal:
- General Tone: Neutral, positive, or typical negative expressions not related to self-harm
- Content: Discussions about daily activities, hobbies, work, social interactions
- Language: Absence of words/phrases related to self-harm, death, hopelessness, helplessness
- Indicative of Suicidal Ideation:
- Expression of Hopelessness: "I can’t see any way out", "Things will never get better"
- Self-Hatred or Worthlessness: "I’m a burden", "Everyone would be better off without me"
- Indicative of a Potential Suicide Attempt:
- Mentions of Death or Dying: "I wish I were dead", "I want to end it all"
- Social Withdrawal: "I don’t want to see anyone", "I prefer to be alone all the time"
- Detailed Plans or Intentions: "I have pills ready, "I’m going to jump off a bridge", "I’ve written my goodbye letter"
- Goodbye Messages: "Goodbye everyone, it’s been a pleasure", "I’m sorry for everything, I won’t be around much longer"
- Previous Attempts: "I’ve tried before and failed, but not this time"
- Lethal Means: "I bought a gun", "I have enough pills", "I found a rope"
Experimental Results: Suicide Ideation Detection and Depression Severity Classification
Source Language Performance (GPT-3.5): DEP-SEVERITY
- Best F1 score for lowest and highest severities, 0.48 and 0.26 respectively
- More challenging task compared to SUI-TWI with F1=0.17
- Improvement in performance using GPT-4 mini: F1 increases to 0.27 (lowest) and 0.59 (highest)
Target Languages Performance (GPT-3.5): DEP-SEVERITY vs. English
- Lower or equal F1 scores compared to source language, but better than 0-shot learning
- More examples provided could increase performance and cost
Source Language Performance (Llama-3.1): DEP-SEVERITY and SUI-TWI
- Better performance in English compared to GPT-3.5 (both 0- and 1-shot)
- High variability in SUI-TWI, French being the worst and Portuguese the best
- No significant difference in DEP-SEVERITY
Further Analysis: Examples of Misclassifications
- First example: English text "attempted suicide" vs. Greek text "suicidal ideation"; LLM interpreting context differently due to language nuances or training data
- Second example: Both original post in English and translated post in Greek are correct, but different predictions (1 for both), possibly due to the same reasons as the first example
Study Findings: GPT-3.5 and Llama3.1 Performance on DEP-SEVERITY and SUI-TWI
- English, Portuguese, German perform equally well as in English
- Turkish (-6), Portuguese (-1), Greek (-1), Finnish (-2) see performance drops
- French (+3) and German (+7) show better performance than English
- Best F1 found for Greek (0.66), worst for German and Finnish (-4)
- Lowest severity class has wide range from 0.15 to 0.25, whiskers are also wide
- Mild severity is mishandled across languages
- Model achieves relatively high score for moderate and severe classes
- Performance drops in all target languages, most notable drop for Turkish (-17)
- Limited resources in mental health domain explain poor performance in Turkish
- Best performance achieved for "non-suicidal" category
- Slightly worse performance for other two classes, similarly distributed across languages
Comparison with 1-shot Learning:
- Performance drops significantly for English in both DEP-SEVERITY and SUI-TWI, remains low
- Performance is better for target language compared to English in both tasks
Table 5: GPT-4o-mini with 0-shot learning on DEP-SEVERITY:
- Measuring Precision, Recall, and F1 per class per language
- Last row shows macro averages
- Best F1 per class is shown in bold, best average F1 across languages is underlined
Table 6: GPT-4o-mini with 0-shot learning on SUI-TWI:
- Measuring Precision, Recall, and F1 per class per language
- Last row shows macro averages
- Best F1 per class is shown in bold, best average F1 across languages is underlined
Table 7: Llama3.1 with 0-shot learning on DEP-SEVERITY:
- Measuring Precision, Recall, and F1 per class per language
- Last row shows macro averages
- Best F1 per class is shown in bold, best average F1 across languages is underlined
Table 8: Llama3.1 with 0-shot learning on SUI-TWI:
- Measuring Precision, Recall, and F1 per class per language
- Last row shows macro averages
- Best F1 per class is shown in bold, best average F1 across languages is underlined
Cost of GPT3.5 Experiments
- Total cost less than $30 via API
- Minimal resources required without expensive infrastructure or fine-tuning
- Example: MentaLLaMA-chat-7B (27GB model) - prohibitive with limited resources
- Outputted unmeaningful results using the quantized version instead
Methodology for Utilizing Resources
- Potentially promising for extending medical data sets in English into other languages
Discussion on LLMs in Mental Health Care
- Increasing need for research on pitfalls of using LLMs in mental health care due to:
- Variation in performance across languages, diseases, and patient populations
- Risk of relying solely on LLMs in healthcare setting
- Mental health diagnosis should not be left to automatic systems or replace human professionals (Stade et al., 2024)
Findings from Study
- Inconsistent performance of LLM across languages, despite same dataset translation
- Performance gains with stronger models and language-specific targeting
- Turkish yields worst performance in both tasks due to limited mental health resources
- Presented novel multilingual dataset for evaluating LLM's ability to predict mental health condition severity
- Used GPT3.5 for translation, but limitations exist due to loss of information and cultural differences
Next Steps
- Apply methodology to broader range of languages including low resource ones
- Add datasets for more mental health tasks and from different social media platforms
- Creation of multilingual dataset requires significant resources
- Challenges in evaluating LLM performance
- Difficulty detecting labels within LLM's output
- Defaulting to minimum label if no label detected
- Challenges in evaluating LLM performance
- Importance of handling datasets with care, especially in sensitive areas like mental health care.