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R Integration with IBM Open Platform ( IBM Hadoop and Spark Platform ) on IBM OpenPOWER

Ashish Kumar edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 7 revisions

What is BigR ?

   -> Functional Programming Language
   -> End-to-End integration with R Lang and BigInsights
   -> Both R and BigR can be used in an R Env.
   -> Features available in R
           -> Explore data sets
           -> create visualizations
           -> build predictive models

Installing BigR Services -> Pre-Requisite

      -> IOP must be installed already
      -> All IOP nodes should have same version of OpenJDK
      -> All hosts should be listed in "/etc/hosts" file on each node
      -> Add umask 022 in the .bashrc file of the root user on all nodes. This action makes the file permission executable by all users. 
      -> rhel-7-for-power-le-supplementary-rpms and rhel-7-for-power-le-optional-rpms in the  /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file on all nodes. To do this, change 'enabled = 0' to 'enabled = 1'.
      -> Ensure that yum-config-manager is installed. It is included with the yum-utensils package
                    yum install -y yum-utils
      -> R Packages should be installed already as pre-requisite for BigR

Installing R Packages -> Pre-Requisite(All Nodes in the Cluster)

       -> Location of R-Package for Redhat 7.1 PPC64LE
             R-3.2.2  :
             R-core-3.2.2 :    
             R-java-3.2.2 :
             libRmath-3.2.2 :   
             R-devel-3.2.2  :  
             R-core-devel-3.2.2  :    
             R-java-devel-3.2.2  :  
             libRmath-static-3.2.2  :  
             libRmath-devel-3.2.2 :

       -> Installing "R" packages
             go to the "R" packages downloaded rpms directory
             rpm -ivh *.rpm
       -> Test R installation : Issue command "R" and that should bring up R shell prompt

Obtaining IBM BigInsights for Data Scientist Software Version 4.1

        -> Fetch below s/w from IBM Software Access Catalog ( For Development only )       
                IBM BigInsights Data Scientist for Linux on Power English (CN87MEN )       
                   ( This will download the binary file "bds-" ) 
                     This module contains the Big SQL, BigSheets, Text Analytics, Big R, and the BigInsights Home services
        -> Run the bin file ( after setting the appropriate execute permissions )
        -> Accept the license agreement ( Reply yes | y to continue with the install )
        -> Choose install option : Preferred is Option #2 ( Sample output shown below ) 
              -> Option #1 : If node is internet connected
              -> Option #2 : If node is not internet connected
              [root@mgt1 ~]# chmod +x bds-
              [root@mgt1 ~]# ./bds-
              Creating directory ./BigInsights
              Verifying archive integrity... All good.
              Uncompressing IBM BigInsights Analyst Package Installer   100%
              License Files
              License files are available in the /root/BigInsights/licenses
              Do you Accept the Terms and Conditions in the Licenses Directory ? (y/n) :y
              Will this be an ONLINE(1) or OFFLINE(2) Installation ? 2
              Installing Package...
              Downloading Package...
              Installing Package...
              BigInsights Analyst RPMs have been extracted to the BigInsights/packages
              Installation Complete

Setup local repo of RPMs of BigInsights for Data Science

              -> locate the BI-DS-IOP- rpm under above created directory 
              -> create a repo using createrepo command
              -> install the rpm
              -> Navigate to ambari server node configuration file and add entry for the created repo in 

Ambari Setup

             -> restart the ambari server
             -> add the additional value add server on the ambari UI with "Actions > Add service "