This bundle provides 3 events allowing you to build your own business:
: dispatched when user requests a new password (POST /forgot-password/
: dispatched when user has reset its password (POST /forgot-password/{tokenValue}
: dispatched when a user was not found (POST /forgot-password/
On the first user story, user will send its identifier (email, username...), you'll have to send a custom email allowing him to reset its password using a valid PasswordToken.
// src/EventSubscriber/ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;
// ...
use CoopTilleuls\ForgotPasswordBundle\Event\CreateTokenEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;
use Twig\Environment;
final class ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public function __construct(private readonly MailerInterface $mailer, private readonly Environment $twig)
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
// Symfony 4.3 and inferior, use 'coop_tilleuls_forgot_password.create_token' event name
CreateTokenEvent::class => 'onCreateToken',
public function onCreateToken(CreateTokenEvent $event): void
$passwordToken = $event->getPasswordToken();
$user = $passwordToken->getUser();
$message = (new Email())
->from('[email protected]')
->subject('Reset your password')
'reset_password_url' => sprintf('', $passwordToken->getToken()),
Your app is ready to receive a JSON request like:
"email": "[email protected]"
On the second user story, user will send its new password, and you'll have to encode it and save it.
// src/EventSubscriber/ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;
// ...
use CoopTilleuls\ForgotPasswordBundle\Event\UpdatePasswordEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
final class ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public function __construct(private readonly UserManager $userManager)
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
// Symfony 4.3 and inferior, use 'coop_tilleuls_forgot_password.update_password' event name
UpdatePasswordEvent::class => 'onUpdatePassword',
public function onUpdatePassword(UpdatePasswordEvent $event): void
$passwordToken = $event->getPasswordToken();
$user = $passwordToken->getUser();
Your app is ready to receive a request like:
"password": "P4$$w0rd"
Chances are that you want to ensure the new password is strong enough.
// src/Entity/User.php
namespace App\Entity;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
class User
protected $rawPassword;
Now, you can use the very same event to validate the User.
// src/EventSubscriber/ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber.php
public function onUpdatePassword(UpdatePasswordEvent $event): void
$passwordToken = $event->getPasswordToken();
$user = $passwordToken->getUser();
// ApiPlatform\Validator\ValidatorInterface
$this->validator->validate($user); // throws an Exception if invalid
* // Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface
* $constraintViolationList = $this->validator->validate($user); // returns a ConstraintViolationListInterface which is a \Traversable, \Countable and \ArrayAccess
* // TODO: handle when the list is not empty
Please note that when using API Platform validator, there is a slight difference between version 3.3 and 3.4+.
In version 3.3 and lower, the validation system overwrite Symfony's. In case of a constraint violation Exception thrown, it will always respond in JSON with Hydra / JSON-LD / JSON Problem, according to your configuration. This, even if the Request has been sent through a classic form. You might want to prefer one or the other accordingly to your use-case.
In version 3.4 and above, this unwanted behaviour has been fixed and API Platform validation system will check if the object (here: the user) is an API Platform resource. If not, It will fallback to Symfony's error system, as it should. Using API Platform validator is then completely fine.
On the third user story, user was not found, you can listen to this event and use your own rules.
// src/EventSubscriber/ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber.php
namespace App\EventSubscriber;
// ...
use CoopTilleuls\ForgotPasswordBundle\Event\UserNotFoundEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
final class ForgotPasswordEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public function __construct(private readonly UserManager $userManager)
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
// Symfony 4.3 and inferior, use 'coop_tilleuls_forgot_password.user_not_found' event name
UserNotFoundEvent::class => 'onUserNotFound',
public function onUserNotFound(UserNotFoundEvent $event): void
$context = $event->getContext();
// ...