By default, this bundles works with Doctrine ORM, but you're free to connect with any system.
Supposing you want to use your custom entity manager, you'll have to create a service that will implement
// src/Manager/FooManager.php
namespace App\Manager;
use App\Entity\PasswordToken;
use CoopTilleuls\ForgotPasswordBundle\Manager\Bridge\ManagerInterface;
final class FooManager implements ManagerInterface
public function findOneBy($class, array $criteria): ?PasswordToken
// Find & return an object of a specific class according to criteria
public function persist($object): void
// Save PasswordToken object
public function remove($object): void
// Remove PasswordToken object
Update your configuration to set your service as default one to use by this bundle:
# config/packages/coop_tilleuls_forgot_password.yaml
# ...
manager: 'App\Manager\FooManager'