- "Application Gateway for Containers" - using Azure Resource Manager
- user deploys apps using Azure RM, uses Gateway API to configure, with "ALB" controller as CP.
- VNet for networking
- "User assigned managed identity"
- splitting, mTLS, routing APIs
- "near real time" updates on add/move pod, routes, probes
- elastic ingress to AKS
- outside of AKS cluster and responsible for ingress
- L7 - based on hostname, headers, etc
- mTLS to backend ( not on frontend !)
- also support BYO - a Frontend resource should be provisioned first.
- or fully managed bu ALB
- 1 CU = 2500 persistent connections, 2Mbps throughput, 1 compute unit
- a compute unit is 50 connection/sec with TLS, 10 RPS (!)
- one instance == 10 CU, equivalent to a pod, mapped to to 10 CU
- old LB - 0.24/gateway-hour, 0.008 per capacity-unit-h, more for firewall
- example: 8 instances
- 40 CU to handle 88Mbps
- $179 fixed plus 467 variable = 646
- 80 CU == 800 RPS, 200k persistent connections.
- 0 min scale - $323 / month
- create network in resource group:
az network alb create
- create frontend
az network alb frontend create
- delegate subnet - association resource:
az network vnet subnet update --delegations "trafficControlers"
- delegate permissions
az role assignment create ...
- create association -
az network alb association create ...
- status address type IPAddress by value is a FQDN !