A config library should support a range of config mechanisms, with increased dependency list.
- minimal config using only env variables, friendly to containers
- flags and CLI should be used for client apps, not servers - but may be used optionally
- yaml config file - reloaded on demand
- K8S ConfigMap, Secrets
- XDS configs
- http-based dynamic interface.
Env and flags are only set at startup, should provide defaults and bootstrap config.
- https://github.com/mwitkow/go-flagz, https://github.com/mwitkow/java-flagz - for java JMXBeans is used !
Supports etcd. Name, help, value, callbacks when changed dynamically. Go version compatible with cobra. Supports k8s ConfigMap watcher, prom metrics /debug/flagz - introspection of runtime configuration, UI
Old - 6years
JMX is java variant of SNMP - which is the 'original' telemetry and configuration interface. It is a push-friendly protocol.