Crane is a tool for directly interacting with a OCI registry. Using 'gcrane' variant which has extensions.
An OCI registry is a HTTP(S) server supporting GET, POST for SHA-based blobs and a small tag->manifest. The manifest stores the SHAs of the config and a list of diff.tar.gzip files. Crane can push/pull blobs, and modify the manifest and config.
Install: go install
Or: docker run --rm
Basic features:
- tag - operates directly on the remote, no need to pull/tag/push. Faster than copy.
- cp - copy from one repo to another, set tag as well.
- delete
- mutate - change labels, annotations, entrypoint, cmd, env, user. Can also 'append' a tarball - but must be a real .tar, can't be stdin.
- append - take base, layer (can be stdin). "--set-base-image-annotation" to include annotation about base for the new image.
- export - get a tar for the image
- flatten - single layer, combine all layers
- ls - list tags in repo
Mutate also takes a "-o" to output a tarball image, or "-t" to tag. If not specified, push to the original image manifest.
Low level:
- blob - read a single blob, using @sha256..., output a .tar.gz to stdout
- config - dump image config ( entrypoint, env, layers ? )
- manifest - shows the list of tar.gz layers. Can be downloaded with blob
- digest - get image digest by tag
- pull - oci, legacy or tarball
- rebase - take last layers from one image, add them to a different image. Replaces old_base with new_base
- Source, Sinks - remote, tarball, daemon, layout Image/Write
- can interact with Docker daemon
- Index: remote/layout/random
- Layer: remote, tarball
crane config |jq .
# shows 10 layers - first distroless, second our additions, last 8 small parts of istio
"config": {
"User": "65532",
"Env": [
"Entrypoint": [
"WorkingDir": "/",
"OnBuild": null
$ gcrane manifest --platform linux/amd64 |jq .
$ gcrane blob | tar tvfz -
- /var/lib/dpkg/tzdata, netbase, base
- tzdata: usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/sbin/tzconfig
- netbase: /etc/protocols,services,rpc,ethertypes
- /etc/passwd,group, nsswitch,
- /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
- base: /etc/host.conf,
- ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
gcrane append -f <(cd ../out/cert-ssh/bin && tar -cf - sshd) -t