Web-related utilities for Java.
Expand short urls. Works with all the major url shorteners (t.co, bit.ly, fb.me, is.gd, goo.gl, etc).
//Read/connect timeout of 3s, cache 10k urls
URLUnshortener u = new URLUnshortener(3000, 3000, 10000);
//Returns https://github.com/cpdomina/WebUtils
URL url = u.expand(new URL("http://goo.gl/x3Ta9"));
Extracts a representative image from an HTML page. Looks for certain HTML tags that usually contain the most representative image, returning the biggest image in the page in case they aren't there.
//Read/connect image timeout of 3s
ThumbnailExtractor extractor = new ThumbnailExtractor(3000, 3000);
//Returns the GitHub logo URL
URL url = extractor.thumbnail(new URL("https://github.com/cpdomina/WebUtils"), 3000);
Parses relevant information (title, description, author, keywords, and thumbnail) from HTML pages.
//Read/connect/parse timeout of 3s
LinkParser parser = new LinkParser(3000, 3000, 3000);
//Parse URL info
Link link = parser.parse(new URL("https://github.com/cpdomina/WebUtils"));