diff --git a/docs/protocol/daemon-api.md b/docs/protocol/daemon-api.md
index b8cf204..06417f3 100644
--- a/docs/protocol/daemon-api.md
+++ b/docs/protocol/daemon-api.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
The Daemon Api is the api that provides the communication between the Server and a Daemon.
All interactions are instantiated from the Server.
-This api is used to provide the frontend cabability to instantiate game processes.
+This api is used to provide the frontend capability to instantiate game processes.
## Structure
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ Every enpoint follows the following schema: `/`
| Name | Description |
-| Endpoint Collection | As the name says, a endpoint collection is a collection of endpoints. All endpoints from a collection are from the same daemon. The pupuse of a endpoint collection is to group certan enpoints. (e.g. `network` contains all endpoints related to networks) |
-| Endpoint | A endpoint is like a funtion on a daemon witch can be executed by the frontend. Mostly it changes database stated or sends notifications to other users. |
+| Endpoint Collection | As the name says, a endpoint collection is a collection of endpoints. All endpoints from a collection are from the same daemon. The purpose of a endpoint collection is to group certain endpoints. (e.g. `network` contains all endpoints related to networks) |
+| Endpoint | A endpoint is like a function on a daemon witch can be executed by the frontend. Mostly it changes database stated or sends notifications to other users. |
## Security
-In normal cases all daemons are not public accessable. (e.g. secured by a firewall or Docker Networks)
+In normal cases all daemons are not public accessible. (e.g. secured by a firewall or Docker Networks)
-Altrough all request must contain an api token. The api token can be configured with an environment variable on the server and dameon side.
-It is recommended to change the api token is requrlary time spans.
+Although all request must contain an api token. The api token can be configured with an environment variable on the server and Dameon side.
+It is recommended to change the api token is regular time spans.
## Request
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The daemon must respond with the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
-The status code is also pased to the frontend.
+The status code is also passed to the frontend.
### Body
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ The daemon must respond with the following body:
## Endpoint Discovery
-When a server boots, it discovers all existing endpoints. Therefor it executes the discorvery endpoint for every dameon type.
-This is needed to filter out request for non-existing endpoints and to route reponses to the daemon according to the endpoint.
+When a server boots, it discovers all existing endpoints. Therefore, it executes the discovery endpoint for every Dameon type.
+This is needed to filter out request for non-existing endpoints and to route requests to the daemon according to the endpoint.
-The reponse looks like this:
+The response looks like this:
@@ -96,4 +96,4 @@ The reponse looks like this:
-__The description is currently not used.__
+_The description is currently not used._