Instead of using IBE via the CryptID
class, this document will guide you through the steps of manual initialization and usage of the IBE classes.
In order to encrypt and decrypt messages with the Boneh-Frankline IBE system, a setup needs to be initialized. This can be done using the BonehFranklinIbeInitializer
class which is an instance of the IbeInitializer
The constructor of BonehFranklinIbeInitializer
expects the following:
- a cryptographically strong random number generator used to generate setup data,SolinasPrimeFactory
- a source of Solinas primes,GenerationStrategyFactory<T extends AffinePointGenerationStrategy>
- Creating a new IBE setup requires a random point on the underlying elliptic curve (this is slightly imprecise, but just okay for now). A random point can be generated using anAffinePointGenerationStrategy
. A factory is required to produce generation strategy instances for each curve. A good choice for the returned strategy is theMod3GenerationStrategy
Having a BonehFranklinIbeInitializer
instance, we can now setup a new IBE configuration using the IbeSetup setup(SecurityLevel)
method. The returned IbeSetup
instance is an immutable object holding the public parameters and the master secret of our configuration. The latter should be kept private.
Once we have established a setup, the public parameters and the master secret can be used to create subsequent clients and private key generators as long as we need.
The private key generator is responsible for extracting private keys for appropriate identities.
In the Boneh-Franklin IBE system, we first need to create an instance of BonehFranklinIbeComponentFactory
. Instantiating this class requires solely a SecureRandom
A private key generator can be obtained by calling the PrivateKeyGenerator obtainPrivateKeyGenerator(PublicParameters, BigInteger)
method. This takes the public parameters and the master secret wrapped in the IbeSetup
instance returned by IbeInitializer.setup(SecurityLevel)
Once we have a PrivateKeyGenerator
instance, we can use its PrivateKey extract(String)
method to create private keys.
Encryption and decryption can be done using IbeClient
Again, when dealing with the Boneh-Franklin scheme, we first need an instance of BonehFranklinIbeComponentFactory
. Calling the IbeClient obtainClient(PublicParameters)
method produces an IbeClient
for our disposal.
Note that creating a client requires only the public parameters of the IBE setup.
Encryption is done using the CipherTextTuple encrypt(String, String)
method which takes the message we want to encrypt and the identity of the recipient.
Decryption can be performed by calling Optional<String> decrypt(PrivateKey, CipherTextTuple)
. Of course, we first need to obtain an appropriate PrivateKey
from a private key generator.
Here's a fully functional example that demonstrates the advanced usage of
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Setup some prerequisites
SecureRandom secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();
SolinasPrimeFactory solinasPrimeFactory = new SolinasPrimeFactory(secureRandom);
GenerationStrategyFactory<Mod3GenerationStrategy> generationStrategyFactory =
ellipticCurve -> new Mod3GenerationStrategy(ellipticCurve, secureRandom);
// Create a new initializer that can create IBE setups
IbeInitializer initializer = new BonehFranklinIbeInitializer(secureRandom, solinasPrimeFactory, generationStrategyFactory);
// Establish a new IBE setup with the desired security level.
// Setup is called only once. Afterwards, the created setup can be used for subsequent actions.
IbeSetup setup = initializer.setup(SecurityLevel.LOWEST);
// Create a component factory
// A component factory is needed for encryption, decryption and private key extraction.
IbeComponentFactory componentFactory = new BonehFranklinIbeComponentFactoryImpl(secureRandom);
// Obtain a client and a private key generator using the IBE setup
// The client can perform encryption and decryption. Creating a client only requires the public parameters.
IbeClient client = componentFactory.obtainClient(setup.getPublicParameters());
// The PKG can extract private keys corresponding to various identities. In order to create a PKG, you
// MUST hold the master secret.
PrivateKeyGenerator privateKeyGenerator = componentFactory.obtainPrivateKeyGenerator(setup.getPublicParameters(), setup.getMasterSecret());
// Ready to roll!
String message = "Ironic.";
String identity = "[email protected]";
// Encrypt the message
CipherTextTuple cipherText = client.encrypt(message, identity);
// Obtain the private key corresponding to the identity
PrivateKey privateKey = privateKeyGenerator.extract(identity);
// Decrypt the message
client.decrypt(privateKey, cipherText)