diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6b7a7ae..00fad66 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -130,10 +130,43 @@ Press the button to display the next set of Braille patterns.
## Configuration
+You can configure the project to your liking:
+Setting | Category | Type | Default | Notes
+----------------------: |---------- | ---- | --------- | :----
+`AUTO_PIN` | **`PIN`** | uint | `7` | 74HC595 shift register - pin `Q7`
_alternatively, can be pin_ `Q6`
+`BUTTON_PIN` | **`PIN`** | uint | `8` | -
+`DATA_PIN` | **`PIN`** | uint | `11` | 74HC595 shift register - pin `DS`
+`LATCH_PIN` | **`PIN`** | uint | `12` | 74HC595 shift register - pin `ST_CP`
+`CLOCK_PIN` | **`PIN`** | uint | `13` | 74HC595 shift register - pin `SH_CP`
+`BAUD_RATE` | **`SRL`** | uint | `9600` | Serial speed
+`SERIAL_ECHO` | **`SRL`** | bool | `true` | if symbols must be printed to Serial as they are being sent to Braille display
+`LF_IS_EOM` | **`SRL`** | bool | `true` | Linefeed is EOM
_if false, messages before and after LF symbol are concatinated_
+`SERIAL_NA_IS_EOM` | **`SRL`** | bool | `false` | Serial Not Available is EOM
_if false, messages before and after Serial not available are concatinated_
+`BUTTON_CLICK_MS` | **`BTN`** | uint | `100` | min delay between consecutive clicks to prevent jitter _(in ms)_
+`BUTTON_CYCLE_MS` | **`BTN`** | uint | `1000` | delay between autoclicks while button is kept pressed _(in ms)_
+`AUTOCOUNT_CELLS` | **`CEL`** | bool | `true` | if Braille cells must be automatically counted
+`BRAILLE_CELLS` | **`CEL`** | uint | `4` | number of Braille cells if they are not automatically counted
+`ANIMATION_ON_START` | **`ANM`** | bool | `true` | if to play animation on start
+`ANIMATION_MS_PER_CELL` | **`ANM`** | uint | `500` | delay between each animation frame _(in ms)_
+Configurations priority (from highest to lowest):
+1. **`platformio.ini`**
+ - works only if using `PlatformIO`
+ - add required `-D =` lines to `build_flags` section
+ - if you want to change `BAUD_RATE`, consider editing `monitor_speed` instead
+ _
(`BAUD_RATE` will be set automatically, ensuring Serial monitor speed is synchronized with it)_
+2. **`src/custom_config.h`**
+ - uncomment neccessary defines and set their values
+ - keep in mind that settings from **`platformio.ini`** can override settings defined here
+3. **`src/config.h`**
+ - contains default setting values
## Todo
-- Add Customization section to README
- Add Russian variant of README
- Add tests
- Optimize `nchar**_t` type for symbols with translation to Braille