Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Option<String> | The id of the process definition | [optional] |
key | Option<String> | The key of the process definition, i.e., the id of the BPMN 2.0 XML process definition. | [optional] |
category | Option<String> | The category of the process definition. | [optional] |
description | Option<String> | The description of the process definition. | [optional] |
name | Option<String> | The name of the process definition. | [optional] |
version | Option<i32> | The version of the process definition that the engine assigned to it. | [optional] |
resource | Option<String> | The file name of the process definition. | [optional] |
deployment_id | Option<String> | The deployment id of the process definition. | [optional] |
diagram | Option<String> | The file name of the process definition diagram, if it exists. | [optional] |
suspended | Option<bool> | A flag indicating whether the definition is suspended or not. | [optional] |
tenant_id | Option<String> | The tenant id of the process definition. | [optional] |
version_tag | Option<String> | The version tag of the process definition. | [optional] |
history_time_to_live | Option<i32> | History time to live value of the process definition. Is used within History cleanup. | [optional] |
startable_in_tasklist | Option<bool> | A flag indicating whether the process definition is startable in Tasklist or not. | [optional] |