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Catch2, Google Test and doctest Explorer for VSCode

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This extension allows you to run your Catch2, Google Test and doctest (experimental) tests using the Test Explorer for Visual Studio Code.

Features and Screenshots

  • Finds and recognises the executables by a given glob pattern. (More)
  • Automatically runs executables if it is modified ("..." -> "Enable autorun") or if a dependency is modified (dependsOn)
  • Reloads test list of an executable if it is recompiled.
  • Supports popular debuggers such as vadimcn.vscode-lldb, webfreak.debug and ms-vscode.cpptools out of the box.
  • Runs executables parallel (catch2TestExplorer.workerMaxNumber).
  • Sorts tests and suites (testExplorer.sort).
  • Cooperates with other extensions like:

Screenshot1 Screenshot2


The extension is *pre-configured and should find executables inside the working directory which match the following glob pattern:


This basically means executables inside the build and out directories (recursive /**/) which contain the test word in their name (including extensions).

(Examples here)

See vscode's documentation for syntax.

Not good enough for you?!: Edit your .vscode/settings.json file according to the examples bellow!

catch2TestExplorer.___ Description
executables The location of your test executables (relative to the workspace folder or absolute path) and with a lot of other setting. Details
defaultCwd The working directory where the test is run (relative to the workspace folder or absolute path), if it isn't provided in "executables". (It resolves variables.)
defaultEnv Environment variables to be set when running the tests. (It resolves variables.)
debugConfigTemplate Set the necessary debug configurations and the debug button will work. Details
debugBreakOnFailure Debugger breaks on failure while debugging the test. Catch2: --break; Google Test: --gtest_break_on_failure;
defaultNoThrow Skips all assertions that test that an exception is thrown, e.g. REQUIRE_THROWS. This is a Catch2 parameter: --nothrow;
defaultRngSeed Shuffles the tests with the given random. Catch2: --rng-seed ( or 'time'); Google Test: --gtest_random_seed=;
defaultWatchTimeoutSec Test executables are being watched (only inside the workspace directory). In case of one recompiles it will try to preserve the test states. If compilation reaches timeout it will drop the suite.
retireDebounceTimeMilisec Retire events will be held back for the given duration. (Reload is required)
defaultExecParsingTimeoutSec The timeout duration (in seconds) of the test-executable identifier (Calls the exec with --help).
defaultRunningTimeoutSec Test executable is running in a process. In case of an infinite loop, it will run forever, unless this parameter is set. It applies instantly. (0 means infinite)
workerMaxNumber The variable maximize the number of the parallel test execution. It applies instantly.
enableTestListCaching (Experimental) In case your executable took too much time to list the tests, one can set this. It will preserve the output of --gtest_list_tests --gtest_output=xml:.... (Beware: Older Google Test doesn't support xml test list format.) (Click here, if you think it is a useful feature!)
logpanel Creates a new output channel and write the log messages there. For debugging. Enabling it could slow down your vscode.
logSentry Errors/Exceptions will be logged and sent automatically for further analysis.
googletest.gmockVerbose Sets --gmock_verbose=.... (Note: executable has to be linked to gmock gmock_main not gtest_main)
googletest.treatGmockWarningAs Forces the test to be failed even it is passed if it contains the string GMOCK_WARNING:. (You may should consider using testing::StrictMock)
testExplorer.___ Description
errorDecoration Show error messages from test failures as decorations in the editor. Details
gutterDecoration Show the state of each test in the editor using Gutter Decorations. Details
codeLens Show a CodeLens above each test or suite for running or debugging the tests. Details
onStart Retire or reset all test states whenever a test run is started. Details
onReload Retire or reset all test states whenever the test tree is reloaded. Details
sort Sort the tests and suites by label or location. If this is not set (or set to null), they will be shown in the order that they were received from the adapter

Note that this extension is built upon the Test Explorer so its configuration and commands can be used.


The first example (.vscode/settings.json or hit Ctr/Cmd + ,):

"catch2TestExplorer.executables": [
		"pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
		"cwd": "${absDirpath}",
		"env": {
			"ExampleENV1": "You can use variables here too, like ${relPath}",
			"PATH": "${os_env:PATH}:/adding/new/item/to/PATH/env"

More examples.

This variable can be

  • a string (ex.: "out/**/*test.exe") or
  • an array of strings and objects (ex.: [ "debug/*test.exe", { "pattern": "release/*test.exe" }, ... ]).

If it is an object it can contains the following properties:

Property Description
name The name of the test suite (file). Can contains variables related to pattern.
pattern A relative (to workspace directory) or an absolute path or glob pattern. ⚠️Avoid backslash!: 🚫\; ✅/; (required)
description A less prominent text after the name. Can contains variables related to pattern.
cwd The current working directory for the test executable. If it isn't provided and defaultCwd does, then that will be used. Can contains variables related to pattern.
env Environment variables for the test executable. If it isn't provided and defaultEnv does, then that will be used. Can contains variables related to pattern and variables related to the process's environment variables (Ex.: ${os_env:PATH}).
dependsOn Array of (relative / absolute) paths / glob pattern (string[]). If a related file is changed/created/deleted and autorun is enabled in "..." menu it will run the related executables.

The pattern (or the executables used as string or an array of strings) can contain search-pattern. Also it can contain variables related to the process's environment variables (Ex.: ${os_env:PATH}).

Test executables and patterns are being watched. In case of one recompiles it will try to preserve the test states. If compilation reaches timeout it will drop the suite (catch2TestExplorer.defaultWatchTimeoutSec).

Note that there is a mechanism which will filter out every possible executable which:

  • on windows: NOT ends with .exe, .cmd or .bat.
  • on other platforms: ends with one of the following: '.c', '.cmake', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.deb', '.dir', '.gz', '.h', '.hpp', '.hxx', '.ko', '.log', '.o', '.php', '.rpm', '.so', '.tar', '.txt'.

It won't filter out '.sh', '.py' (etc.) files, so that could be used for wrappers.

If the pattern is too general like out/**/*test*, it could cause unexpected executable or script execution (with --help argument) which would not just increase the test-loading duration but also could have other unexpected effects. I suggest to have a stricter file-name convention and a corresponding pattern like out/**/*.test.* or out/**/Test.*

Note to dependsOn:

  • ℹ️Executables found by pattern are automatically watched, don't need to add them to dependsOn.
  • If "Enable autorun" is enabled in "..." menu (next to the play button), it will trigger the related test suites by detecting the recompilation of the executable.
  • It accumulates events with the following strategy: waiting for 2 seconds after the last event.
  • Works flawlessly with paths/patterns inside of the workspace directory (Usually there is no reason to keep your executables outside of the workspace. See.),
  • but have some issue/limitation with paths/patterns outside of the workspace directory:
    • Theoretically is should support glob patterns, but it seem there is an issue with double star (**).
    • Paths on different drive in the same dependsOn array maybe won't work.
    • (If you find another corner case, feel free to open an issue. It could be handy once in the future.)

Variables which can be used in name, description, cwd and env of executables:

Variable Description
${absPath} Absolute path of the test executable. Supports array indexing.
${relPath} Relative path of the test executable to the workspace folder. Supports array indexing.
${absDirpath} Absolute path of the test executable's parent directory. Supports array indexing.
${relDirpath} Relative path of the test executable's parent directory to the workspace folder. Supports array indexing.
${filename} Filename (Path without directories; "d/a.b.c" => "a.b.c") Supports array indexing.
${baseFilename} Filename without extension ("d/a.b.c" => "a.b")
${extFilename} Filename extension. ("d/a.b.c" => ".c")
${workspaceDirectory} (You can only guess once.)
${workspaceFolder} Alias of ${workspaceDirectory}
${workspaceName} Workspace name can be custom in case of workspace file.
${name} The resolved executables's name. Can be used only in cwd and env.
${description} The resolved executables's description. Can be used only in cwd and env.
${cwd} The resolved executables's cwd. Can be used only in env. Supports array indexing.
${os_env:<varname>} Resolves it to the given(<varname>) environment variable if exists empty string otherwise. Can be used everywhere. On Windows it is case insensitive: ${os_env:pAtH} == ${os_env:PATH}
${os_env_strict:<varname>} Resolves it to the given(<varname>) environment variable if exists won't set the variable othewise. Can be used ONLY in env.

Array indexing: (?:\[(-?[0-9]+)?:(-?[0-9]+)?\])?. Exmaple: ${relPath[:-2]}


"catch2TestExplorer.executables": "dir/test.exe"
"catch2TestExplorer.executables": ["dir/test1.exe", "dir/test2.exe"]
"catch2TestExplorer.executables": {
	"name": "${filename}",
	"description": "${relDirpath}/",
	"pattern": "{build,Build,BUILD,out,Out,OUT}/**/*{test,Test,TEST}*",
	"cwd": "${absDirpath}",
	"env": {
		"ExampleENV1": "You can use variables here too, like ${absPath}",
		"PATH": "${os_env:PATH}:/adding/new/item/to/PATH/env"
"catch2TestExplorer.executables": [
		"name": "Test1 suite",
		"pattern": "dir/test.exe"
		"pattern": "${os_env:HOME}/dir2/{t,T}est",
		"cwd": "out/tmp",
		"env": {}


If catch2TestExplorer.debugConfigTemplate value is null (default),

it searches for configurations in the workspacefolder's .vscode/launch.json. It will choose the first one which's "request" property is "launch" and has type property with string value starting with cpp, lldb or gdb. (If you don't want this but also don't want to specify you own debugConfigTemplate use "extensionOnly" as value.)

In case it hasn't found one it will look after:

  1. vadimcn.vscode-lldb,
  2. webfreak.debug,
  3. ms-vscode.cpptools

extensions in order. If it finds one of it, it will use it automatically. For further details check VSCode launch config.

Remark: This feature to work automatically (value: null) has a lot of requirements which are not listed here. If it works it is good for you. If it isn't.. I suggest to create your own "catch2TestExplorer.debugConfigTemplate" template. If you read the Related documents and still have a question feel free to open an issue. Value "extensionOnly" will cause to skip the search of local launch configurations.

or user can manually fill it

For vadimcn.vscode-lldb add something like this to settings.json:

"catch2TestExplorer.debugConfigTemplate": {
  "type": "cppdbg",
  "MIMode": "lldb",
  "program": "${exec}",
  "args": "${args}",
  "cwd": "${cwd}",
  "env": "${envObj}",
  "externalConsole": false

Usable variables:

Variable name Value meaning Type
${label} The name of the test. Same as in the Test Explorer. string
${suiteLabel} The name of parent suites of the test. Same as in the Test Explorer. string
${exec} The path of the executable. string
${argsArray} The arguments for the executable. string[]
${argsStr} Concatenated arguments for the executable. string
${cwd} The current working directory for execution. string
${envObj} The environment variables as object properties. { [prop: string]: string }

These variables will be substituted when a DebugConfiguration is created.

Note that name and request are filled, if they are undefined, so it is not necessary to set them. type is necessary.

About integration

As a developer, you may know how valuable can be if you have some information. The feature is disabled by default, the user is promted to enable it. It can be enabled globally and disabled for the workspace or the other way around. With enabling you support my work. 🙏


The Unlicense

Known issues

  • (2018-09-03) On windows the navigate to source button isn't working. It is a framework bug.
  • (2018-11-17) Catch2: Long (>80 character) filename, test-name or description can cause test-list parsing failures. Workaround: #define CATCH_CONFIG_CONSOLE_WIDTH 300 and it has to be defined before every #include "catch.hpp" lines.
  • (2019-12-27) doctest 2.3.6 is support file and line informations. Previous version will recognise the tests but navigation will be disabled.

For solving issues use: catch2TestExplorer.logpanel: true and check the output window.


Wanna see the test run results in the status bar too.

Check this extension: Test Explorer Status Bar

I want to run some custom script before the tests (for example to set some environment variables and do some init), how should I do that?

Create command line wrapper (.sh/.bat) or a python script wrapper. The most convenient way is to generate one.

Would you show me an example?

Sure! For example in case of CMake: check this. Note: However this is the easiest, not the best solution. There is a drawback: Debugging button won't work, since the debuger will attach to the script not to the executable started by the script.

Is there a solution for that?

Yes. One can enhance their test executable from c++. The example is here

Wanna set cwd to the source file's dir to use the resources next to it and my structure looks like (because I use cmake):


You can try this:

"catch2TestExplorer.executables": [
    "pattern": "build/**/test*.exe",
    "cwd": "${relDirpath[1:]}/resources"

This will remove the build/ from the beggining of the relative path of the executable.


  • doctest: supporting test suites
  • Test cases: google test, catch2: info, warn, fail, stdout, stderr, capture, gtest_skip, gmock_verbose
  • gaze is not good enough: detects change and delete, but not creation
  • dependsOn could contain variables


The guideline is here.

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