We separated the generation process into 3 stages:
- deployment
- extraction
- evaluation
, while the full deployment requires good understanding of Docker SWARM, SPARK and HDFS we first provide a basic setup, that will utelize a single DIEF docker container, the local FS, and runs without SPARK.
Requirements for Linux:
git, docker, wget, java 8 & 17, maven, p7zip, make
Preparing single DIEF container and building Generator Code
# checkout repository and build components
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/dbpedia/dbpedia-temporal
# build generator code
cd dbpedia-temporal/ODIBEL
mvn package
# start dief container exposing port 9999
docker run -d -p 9999:9999 --name dbpedia-dief vehnem/dbpedia-dief
This will take some time to start everything, check http://localhost:9999/server/extraction/en for health
Downloading a compressed wikimedia meta-history dump file (~170MB)
# Tries to download one of the latest meta-history dump files in the 7z format
URL=https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/; curl -s "$URL" | grep -P "meta-history1.*7z" | head -1 | grep -Po '"\Kenwiki[^"]+' | while read -r fname; do echo "$URL$fname"; wget "$URL$fname" -O meta-history.xml.7z; done
if this fails go to https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/ and download it manually
Run a simple extraction on the downloaded files first 1M rows
7z e -so meta-history.xml.7z | head -1000000 | \
java -cp target/*dependencies.jar ai.scads.odibel.main.Main dbpedia-tkg extract \
-i - -o - -f csv -e http://localhost:9999/server/extraction/en
Use -f ngraph
to output the ngraph format (using sort -u might be required to remove duplicated start:tkg and tkg:end meta quads if multiple triples share the same lifespan).
- TODO add statisitics on hardware requirements and usage
Explains the deployment of the spark and dief services on a docker swarm cluster.
All relevant scripts are located in ./deploy
First set your environmet variables at spark/env.env
cd spark;
docker stack -f docker-compose.yml
Building the DIEF docker image
cd dief
make dief-prepare
make dief-install
make docker-build
Deploy DIEF cluster
OPTION 1 Use dedicated services
cd dief
deploy-dief.sh $STARTPORT $ENDPORT $NDOE1 $NODE2 ...
OPTION 2 Use ingress or other balancing
cd dief
docker service create -n dief -p 9999:9999 --replicas $SCALE
The generation
contains scripts for calculating statistics or metrics, and ploting results.