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Releases: devbisme/skidl


23 Nov 17:02
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  • SPICE simulations of circuits now supported (Python 3 only).


23 Nov 17:02
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  • Modularized code into separate files.


23 Nov 17:03
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  • Parsing of KiCad EESchema libraries made more robust.
  • DEFAULT_TOOL replaced with set_default_tool() function.
  • Some code simplification by using a context manager for opening files.


23 Nov 17:03
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  • Testing made more robust.


23 Nov 17:04
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  • KiCad netlists are now parsed using the external package kinparse.
  • Cleaned-up pylint-identified issues.
  • Removed absolute file paths to libraries from tests.


23 Nov 17:11
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  • Fixed problem where the search function was only returning parts found in the last library searched.


23 Nov 17:11
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  • Use of builtin now works with Python 2 & 3.
  • Started using namedtuple in some places (like net traversal) for clarity.
  • Corrected pin-to-pin connections so if a net is created, it goes into the same Circuit the pins are members of.
  • Part templates can now contain a reference to a Circuit object that will be applied when the template is instantiated.
  • When pins are connected to nets, or nets to nets, the resulting set of connected nets are all given the same name.
  • Buses are not added to a Circuit object if they are already members of it. This fix caused the next problem.
  • Buses weren't getting added to the Circuit object because they already contained a reference to the Circuit. Fixed by clearing ref before adding to Circuit.
  • Created mini_reset() method to clear circuitry without clearing library cache so the libraries don't have to be loaded again (slow).
  • search() utility now prints the names of libraries as they are searched so user sees progress.
  • Fixed exceptions if part definition contained non-unicode stuff.
  • Hide exceptions that occur when using the show() utility.
  • More tests added for NC nets and hand-crafted parts.
  • default_circuit and the NC net for the active circuit are now made accessible in all modules using builtin.
  • Corrected error messages that referenced wrong/non-existing variable.
  • Inserted NO_LIB for the library if it doesn't exist when generating KiCad netlists or XML.
  • Attributes can now be passed when creating a Circuit object.
  • Pins are now associated with part when added to the part.
  • Minimum and maximum pins for a part are now computed as needed.
  • Each Circuit object now has its own NC net.
  • Added tests for bus movement and copying.
  • Implemented bus movement between Circuit objects.
  • Additional test cases were created.
  • Nets and Parts can now be removed from Circuits.
  • The circuit that pins and nets are in is now checked before connections are made so cross-circuit connections are not created.
  • Default members were added to Pin and Part objects so they would always exist and not cause errors when missing.
  • Implemented moving Parts and Nets from one circuit to another (almost).
  • Nets with no attached pins are now added to a circuit.
  • Re-wrote some tests to account for the presence of no-pin nets in a circuit.
  • A class method was missing its 'self' argument.
  • Fixed @Subcircuit decorator so it won't cause an error if the function it decorates doesn't have a 'circuit' keyword argument.
  • Split the unit tests across multiple files. Added setup/teardown code.
  • Added capability to create multiple, independent Circuit objects to which Parts and Nets can be assigned. The default circuit is still the target if not Circuit is explicitly referenced.
  • Added IOError to exception list for opening a SKiDL part library.


23 Nov 17:12
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  • Part libraries in SKiDL format are now supported.
  • Parts can now be created on-the-fly and instantiated or added to libraries.
  • The parts used in a circuit can be stored in a backup SKiDL library and used if the original libraries are missing.
  • The KiCad standard part libraries were converted to SKiDL libraries and placed in skidl.libs.


23 Nov 17:12
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  • Nets without pins can now be merged.
  • Parts and Pins are now sorted when netlists are generated.
  • For an existing Bus, new bus lines can be inserted at any position or the bus can be extended.


23 Nov 17:13
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  • Use getattr() instead of class.dict so that subclasses of SKiDL objects
    can find attributes named within strings without searching the mor.