Aerospike::info - send an info request to a single cluster node
public int Aerospike::info ( string $request, string &$response [, array $host [, array options ] ] )
Aerospike::info() interfaces with the Aerospike cluster's command and control functions. A formatted request string is sent to a cluster node, and a formatted response returned.
A specific host can be optionally set, otherwise the request command is sent to the host definded for the Aerospike__construct() instantiation.
request a formatted string representing a command and control operation.
response a formatted response from the server.
host an array holding the cluster node connection information cluster and manage its connections to them.
- addr hostname or IP of the node
- port
options including
Returns an integer status code. Compare to the Aerospike class status constants. When non-zero the Aerospike::error() and Aerospike::errorno() methods can be used.
$config = ["hosts" => [["addr"=>"localhost", "port"=>3000]], "shm"=>[]];
$client = new Aerospike($config, true);
if (!$client->isConnected()) {
echo "Aerospike failed to connect[{$client->errorno()}]: {$client->error()}\n";
$status = $client->info('bins/test', $response);
if ($status == Aerospike::OK) {
We expect to see:
string(53) "num-bin-names=2,bin-names-quota=32768,demo,characters"