Aerospike::query - queries a secondary index on a set in the Aerospike database
public int Aerospike::query ( string $ns, string $set, array $where, callback
$record_cb [, array $select [, array $options ]] )
Aerospike::query() will query a set with a specified where predicate then invoke a callback function record_cb on each record in the result stream. The bins returned can be filtered by passing an associative array of the bins needed, otherwise all bins in the record are returned (similar to a SELECT *). Non-existent bins will appear in the record with a NULL value.
To query without a predicate the value of the where must be an empty array. As a result, a scan is initiated instead of a query.
ns the namespace
set the set to be queried
where the predicate conforming to one of the following:
Associative Array:
bin => bin name
op => one of Aerospike::OP_EQ, Aerospike::OP_BETWEEN, Aerospike::OP_CONTAINS, Aerospike::OP_RANGE
val => scalar integer/string for OP_EQ or [$min, $max] for OP_BETWEEN
or an empty array() for no predicate.
["bin"=>"name", "op"=>Aerospike::OP_EQ, "val"=>"foo"]
["bin"=>"age", "op"=>Aerospike::OP_BETWEEN, "val"=>[35,50]]
["bin"=>"movies", "op"=>Aerospike::OP_CONTAINS, "val"=>"12 Monkeys"]
["bin"=>"movies", "op"=>Aerospike::OP_RANGE, "val"=>[10,1000]]
[] // no predicate
record_cb a callback function invoked for each record streaming back from the server.
select an array of bin names which are the subset to be returned.
options including
Returns an integer status code. Compare to the Aerospike class status constants. When non-zero the Aerospike::error() and Aerospike::errorno() methods can be used.
$result = [];
$where = Aerospike::predicateBetween("age", 30, 39);
$status = $client->query("test", "users", $where, function ($record) use (&$results) {
$result[] = $record['bins'];
if ($status !== Aerospike::OK) {
echo "An error occured while querying[{$client->errorno()}] {$client->error()}\n";
} else {
echo "The query returned ".count($result)." records\n";
$config = ["hosts" => [["addr"=>"localhost", "port"=>3000]], "shm"=>[]];
$client = new Aerospike($config, true);
if (!$client->isConnected()) {
echo "Aerospike failed to connect[{$client->errorno()}]: {$client->error()}\n";
$total = 0;
$in_thirties = 0;
$where = Aerospike::predicateBetween("age", 30, 39);
$status = $client->query("test", "users", $where, function ($record) use (&$total, &$in_thirties) {
echo "{$record['bins']['email']} age {$record['bins']['age']}\n";
$total += (int) $record['bins']['age'];
}, ["email", "age"]);
if ($status == Aerospike::ERR_QUERY) {
echo "An error occured while querying[{$client->errorno()}] {$client->error()}\n";
} else {
echo "The average age of employees in their thirties is ".round($total / $in_thirties)."\n";
We expect to see:
foo age 32
bar age 35
The average age of employees in their thirties is 34