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108 lines (96 loc) · 3.11 KB


An interrupt driven Serial communication (USART) Library written in C++ for ATmega640/1280/2560

How to use:

Modify the CMakeLists.txt file:

Set the flash option:

Setting this to YES flashes the generated .hex file into the micro-controller


Set the baud rate for flashing:

SET(BAUD 115200)

Set the programmer for flashing:

The default Arduino programmer was used in the CMakeLists.txt.


Select the correct port for flashing:

set(PORT /dev/ttyACM0)


Run the following within the extracted folder.

mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..

Generated files would be found in the bin folder within the parent folder. If SET(FLASH ???) was set as YES, as explained earlier, the file is flashed onto the ATMega2560

Using the library:

Typical usage

  • First, create an object of the Serial class. The desired port number should be given to the constructor. Possible port options being - 0, 1, 2, 3:

    Serial Serial1(1);
  • To begin the transmission, call:


    Since the ATMega has 4 UART ports, select either Serial0, Serial1, Serial2 or Serial3. The begin() function defaults to 9600 baudrate, Asynchronous Normal mode, one stop bit and eight bit frame length.

  • To read, use the Read() function:

  • To transmit, use the Write() function:


Functions used:

Function to configure USART communication

void begin(uint32_t baud,
           USARTOperatingMode mode,
           USARTParity parity,
           USARTStopBits stopBits,
           USARTFrameLength frameLength);
  • baud Sets the communication baud rate.Default value is set to 9600
  • mode Sets the communication mode. Default value is set to Asynchronous Normal mode - USARTOperatingMode::ASYNC_NORMAL. The following are available:
    ASYNC_NORMAL = 0 Asynchronous Normal mode
    ASYNC_DOUBLE_SPEED = 1 Asynchronous Double Speed
    SYNC_MASTER = 2 Synchronous Master mode
  • parity Sets the parity bit to be used. defaulted to none - USARTParity::NONE. Possible values are:
    NONE = 0
    EVEN = 2
    ODD = 3
  • stopBits Sets the number of stop bits - default to 1 bit - USARTStopBits::ONE. Possible values are:
    values are:
    ONE = 0
    TWO = 2
  • frameLength Sets the number of bits per frame - default value of 8 bits - USARTFrameLength::EIGHT_BITS. Possible values are:
    FIVE_BITS = 5
    SIX_BITS = 6
    SEVEN_BITS = 7
    EIGHT_BITS = 8
    NINE_BITS = 9

Function to transmit one byte of data

void Serial::write(const uint8_t data)
  • data Data to be transmitted

Function to transmit a char array. Overloaded write() function

void Serial::write(const char *data)
  • data Pointer to the a char array

Function reads one byte at a time from the receiver buffer, and increments the tail index by one

uint8_t Serial::read()
  • uint8_t A byte that is returned from the function