A curated list of awesome CSS frameworks, libraries and software
Awesome CSS Frameworks - List of awesome CSS frameworks
Flexbox Patterns - patterns for using flexbox CSS to build awesome UI components.
Pure - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
★ 22.2k ★ 2022 ♦ purecss.io -
Skeleton - Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
★ 8.9k - ♦ www.getskeleton.com - Blog -
Spectre - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
★ 11k - ★ 2020 ♦ picturepan2.github.io/spectre -
Milligram - A minimalist CSS framework.
★ 10k ★ 2020 ♦ milligram.io -
Pico - Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
★ 8.9k - ♦ picocss.com - Like -
Picnic CSS - A beautiful CSS library to kickstart your projects
★ 3.5k ★ Unmaintained ♦ picnicss.com -
Chota - A micro (3kb) CSS framework
★ 1.1k - ♦ jenil.github.io/chota - Like
normalize.css - modern alternative to CSS resets
★ 50.1k ★ 2023 ♦ necolas.github.io/normalize.css -
Flexbox Grid - grid based on CSS3 flexbox
★ 1.2k ★ 2018 ♦ Like ♦ flexboxgrid.com -
TailwindCSS - utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
★ 54.9k - ♦ 2022 ♦ tailwindcss.com -
Tachyons - Functional css for humans
★ 11.4k ★ 2021 ♦ Like ♦ tachyons.io -
Windi CSS - Next generation utility-first CSS framework.
★ 6.3k ★ 2022 ♦ Like ♦ windicss.org -
Open Props - CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
★ 3.2k ★ 2023 ♦ open-props.style
Bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
★ 47.8k ★ 2024 ♦ Like ♦ bulma.io -
Tacit - framework for dummies, without a single CSS class
★ 1.4k ★ 2022 ♦ yegor256.github.io/tacit -
Turret - a styles and browser behaviour normalisation framework for rapid development of responsive and accessible websites.
★ 760 ★ 2021 ♦ turretcss.com ♦ Like -
SkyBlue - CSS framework (made with SASS)
★ 453 - ♦ muffinman.io/skyblue
Semantic UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
★ 49.7k - ♦ www.semantic-ui.com - Like -
Materialize - a CSS Framework based on Material Design
★ 38.6k - ♦ materializecss.com - Unmaintained -
Foundation for Sites 6 - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
★ 29.4k - ♦ get.foundation - Like -
UIkit - lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
★ 17.4k - ♦ getuikit.com - Like -
Primer - The CSS design system that powers GitHub.
★ 10.6k - ♦ primer.style/css -
Carbon Design System - A design system built by IBM.
★ 5k - ♦ www.carbondesignsystem.com -
MUI - material design lightweight CSS framework
★ 4.5k - ♦ www.muicss.com -
Fomatic-UI - Fomantic-UI is the official community fork of Semantic-UI
★ 3.2k - ♦ fomantic-ui.com - Like -
Halfmoon - Front-end framework with a built-in dark mode and full customizability using CSS variables; great for building dashboards and tools.
★ 2.6k - ♦ www.gethalfmoon.com -
Blaze UI - Framework-free open source UI toolkit. Blaze UI provides great structure for building websites quickly with a scalable and maintainable foundation.
★ 1.4k - ♦ www.blazeui.com - Like -
CodyFrame - lightweight front-end framework for building accessible, bespoke interfaces.
★ 1.1k - ♦ codyhouse.co -
Chota - micro (3kb) CSS framework
★ 891 - ♦ jenil.github.io/chota -
Cirrus - The SCSS framework for the modern web.
★ 855 - ♦ cirrus-ui.netlify.app -
PatternFly - This repo contains core (HTML/CSS) implementation for RedHat PatternFly.
★ 655 - ♦ patternfly.org - Like
- Chakra - Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications
★ 25.1k ★ 2022 ♦ React ♦ chakra-ui.com
- Bulmaswatch - Themes for Bulma.
★ 1.5k ★ 2021 ♦ jenil.github.io/bulmaswatch