All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.5.0 (2023-08-05)
- #308: update test verifyIranianNationalId.spec.ts (a4a3936), closes #308
- incorrect typings for phoneNumberDetail (#323) (ba66500)
3.4.1 (2022-09-19)
- #280: can't accept phone number starts with 0900 (#283) (4a8b7d7), closes #280
- getBankNameFromCardNumber: allow detecting by at least 6 nums (#269) (33c883e), closes #257
3.4.0 (2022-07-07)
- install & config the vite and remove jest (e8c14a8)
- #208 isPersian replacing ه wit arabic ه (#225) (15bd04e)
- #226: webpack failed to parse source map (13590c2), closes #226
3.3.0 (2022-05-06)
3.2.0 (2022-01-03)
3.1.1 (2021-12-28)
3.1.0 (2021-12-28)
- add legal id validation module and test (7083b30)
- #122: node 17 supports (2ed8bd6), closes #122
- wordsToNumber return 0 for MAGNITUDE constants (61e63be)
3.0.1 (2021-09-05)
3.0.0 (2021-09-05)
- README: update the Sheba section which is now written in functional
- Sheba: make it functional to be more tree-shakeable (daa4eda)
bundle size and remove all source map files (90c3328)
change micro:build object name to PersianTools (9dd8c58)
#99: node and npm versions error while installing (935cf9b), closes #99
README: update the Sheba section which is now written in functional (cadbbd0)
2.0.0 (2021-08-28)
README: update the Sheba section which is now written in functional
README: update the Sheba section which is now written in functional (4451df1)
1.8.0-beta.0 (2021-08-19)
- Sheba: make it functional to be more tree-shakeable (9f9c0e5)
1.7.1 (2021-08-10)
- bundle size and remove all source map files (89577ad)
1.7.0 (2021-08-05)
- change micro:build object name to PersianTools (f4cc48d)
- #103: digitsArToFa and digitsArToEn encoding issue (4cd080b), closes #103
1.6.3 (2021-07-25)
1.6.2 (2021-07-19)
2.0.0 (2021-08-28)
README: update the Sheba section which is now written in functional
README: update the Sheba section which is now written in functional (4451df1)
1.8.0-beta.0 (2021-08-19)
- Sheba: make it functional to be more tree-shakeable (9f9c0e5)
1.7.1 (2021-08-10)
- bundle size and remove all source map files (89577ad)
1.7.0 (2021-08-05)
- change micro:build object name to PersianTools (f4cc48d)
- #103: digitsArToFa and digitsArToEn encoding issue (4cd080b), closes #103
1.6.2-beta.5 (2021-07-11)
1.6.2-beta.4 (2021-07-11)
1.6.2-beta.3 (2021-07-11)
1.6.2-beta.2 (2021-07-11)
1.6.2-beta.1 (2021-07-11)
1.6.2-beta.0 (2021-07-11)
- numberToWords: make it functional (0eba53b)
- Plate: add details to Plate result (#77) (2ded9b3)
- wordsToNumber: make it functional (6538d88)
1.6.1 (2021-04-23)
- husky issues (8bcaebe)
- #75: package json cjs bundle file type (3104abb), closes #75
- numberToWords: make it functional (ce59bf4)
- wordsToNumber: make it functional (82b1b03)
- 🐛 Correct Typo in pre-commit file (2275d00)
1.6.0 (2021-04-22)
1.6.0-beta.7 (2021-04-18)
- digits: add digitsEnToAr to convert English digits to Arabic (ad95755)
- wordsToNumber: supports Arabic digits converter in result (69b1cae)
1.6.0-beta.6 (2021-04-18)
- digitsEnToFa: add error handling and clean up (8a23631)
- digitsFaToEn: add error handling (ad2ebbf)
- halfSpace: clean up and add error handling (d305b96)
- add Code of Conduct doc (8c57c26)
- Add numberplate module (db1207e)
- add types for numberplate module (9e73e7b)
- #70: converting 0 to Persian digit returns undefined (a21c69e), closes #70
- addCommas: remove commas from decimal places (9c360c3)
- addOrdinalSuffix: add test (e8f3b4e)
- bundle: modules exports for using in vite (ec4e1d9)
- fix typescript issue and make more in readable phoneNumber utils (5fcde62)
- isPersian (8341017)
- remove unnecessary import in phoneNumber details (f34655b)
- update isPersian and hasPersian info in (c4ee0a9)
1.6.0-beta.5 (2021-03-28)
- digitsEnToFa: add error handling and clean up (8a23631)
- digitsFaToEn: add error handling (ad2ebbf)
- halfSpace: clean up and add error handling (d305b96)
- add Code of Conduct doc (8c57c26)
- Add numberplate module (db1207e)
- add types for numberplate module (9e73e7b)
- addCommas: remove commas from decimal places (9c360c3)
- addOrdinalSuffix: add test (e8f3b4e)
- bundle: modules exports for using in vite (ec4e1d9)
- fix typescript issue and make more in readable phoneNumber utils (5fcde62)
- isPersian (8341017)
- remove unnecessary import in phoneNumber details (f34655b)
- update isPersian and hasPersian info in (c4ee0a9)
1.6.0-beta.4 (2021-02-27)
- CI: Continuous Integration build command (03aaf6f)
1.6.0-beta.3 (2021-02-27)
- CI: npm ignore build folder files (c3992aa)
1.6.0-beta.2 (2021-02-27)
- CI: npm ignore file (c73163f)
1.6.0-beta.1 (2021-02-27)
- typedoc build (bbc558f)
1.6.0-beta.0 (2021-02-27)
- CI: add prerelease command (1270719)
- add isArabic module (eb0e7e9)
- add microbundle for managing the build process (bb38caf)
- CI: npm install issue (414c348)
- CI: npm install issue (2e531a3)
- CI: remove size-limit hook after micro:build command (e9ffc7c)
- CI: typescript version issue (d4249e9)
- extractCardNumber issues (a004717)
- extractCardNumber issues (0ed553e)
- isPersian (only Persian chars) (0679af1)
- isPersian module issues (5ce89dd)
- jsdoc for isPersian (2832574)
1.5.0 (2020-12-31)
- Upgraded rollup and packages version (a5a4c9b)
- extractCardNumber: added 3 more acceptable keywords in regex (9e34d78)
- Wallaby: Added Wallaby and fixed tests errors (cfe7d20)
- WordsToNumber: Added fuzzy to fix wrong words (13282a9)
- added card-number extractor into text (4f33602)
- added github-pages and typedoc (3d8af7e)
- added humanizing words by fuzzy in words to number (49d6491)
- added iranian banks card numbers regex (e65be1e)
- added iranian phone number validator and details (224f8e8)
- updated project folders structure (cc4e6c1)
- extractCardNumber: replaced acceptableKeywords with empty string (23330a4)
- Fuzzy: Removed fuse.js and used fastest-levenshtein to find the closest word (65f70df)
- automatic update docs on github pages (ebe2c79)
- automatic update docs on github pages (2cbcfee)
- updated typedoc mode value to file (4161b89)
1.4.2 (2020-09-30)
- eslint errors in shebaCodes file (eee8662)
1.4.1 (2020-09-30)
- added sheba (027c89d)
1.3.0 (2020-09-27)
- add getBarcode test case (9a5a830)
- add isValidPayment test case (709b83c)
- add test case for bill amount and type (5a0c29d)
- add test for uncovered lines (70f0577)
- add verificationBillId test case (9ce0c16)
- added Bill calculator (6c6b945)
- create doc for billInfo (317b473)
- write bill is valid test case (379278c)
1.2.4 (2020-09-27)
1.2.3 (2020-06-09)
- exported national id interfaces (2f40256)
1.2.2 (2020-05-30)
- falsy value in addCommas function (b1cfd35)
1.2.0 (2020-02-08)
- added browser supports (9c0f0d3)
- added typescript and upgraded packages (e71ae27)
- extracted all test to singel files (454805a)
- convert یکصد to number in WordsToNumber function (3540b48)
- load functions in browser without tools (issue:#2) (f91414b)
1.1.0 (2020-02-08)
- added browser supports (9c0f0d3)
- added typescript and upgraded packages (e71ae27)
- extracted all test to singel files (454805a)
- convert یکصد to number in WordsToNumber function (3540b48)
- load functions in browser without tools (issue:#2) (f91414b)
0.0.5 (2018-09-04)
0.0.4 (2018-09-04)
0.0.3 (2018-06-22)
- convert یکصد to number in WordsToNumber function (3540b48)