Based on Uni-Dock, we have developed several user-friendly and enhanced applications in Uni-Dock Tools. Main features are:
Individual receptor and ligand preparation applications
End-to-End Uni-Dock pipeline starting from common formats receptor and ligands
Multi-Conformation Docking (mcdock): See MCDock Introduction
- Uni-Dock
- Python >= 3.6
- RDKit
- networkx
- MGLTools, if you want to use AD4 scoring function in Uni-Dock
- mcdock dependencies, see MCDock Installation
pip install .
We provide docker image with all the dependencies installed. You can pull the docker image from the following link:
docker pull dptechnology:unidocktools
And run the docker container using the following command:
docker run --gpus 0 -it -v $(pwd):/workpsace unidocktools:v1.0.0 cd /workspace && <Your command>
Prepare and Convert PDB-format receptor protein into PDBQT format
unidocktools proteinprep -r <Input PDB File> -o <Output PDBQT File Path>
Prepare ligands to be used in Uni-Dock
unidocktools ligandprep -l <Input SDF ligand files, use commas to seperate> -sd <output_dir> -bs <batch_size=1200>
or write a list of ligand files in a text file and use the following command:
unidocktools ligandprep -i <Txt File> -sd <output_dir>
End-to-End pipeline to run Uni-Dock with common-format receptor and ligands
unidocktools unidock_pipeline -r <receptor file> -l <ligand files> -sd <output_dir> -cx <center_x> -cy <center_y> -cz <center_z>
-r, --receptor
: Path to the receptor file in PDBQT format.-l, --ligands
: Path to the ligand file in SDF format. For multiple files, separate them by commas.-i, --ligand_index
: A text file containing the path of ligand files in sdf format.-sd, --savedir
: Save directory (default: 'unidock_results').
-cx, --center_x
: X-coordinate of the docking box center.-cy, --center_y
: Y-coordinate of the docking box center.-cz, --center_z
: Z-coordinate of the docking box center.-sx, --size_x
: Width of the docking box in the X direction (default: 22.5).-sy, --size_y
: Width of the docking box in the Y direction (default: 22.5).-sz, --size_z
: Width of the docking box in the Z direction (default: 22.5).
-sf, --scoring_function
: Scoring function (default: 'vina').-ex, --exhaustiveness
: exhaustiveness (default: 128).-ms, --max_step
: max_step (default: 20)-nm, --num_modes
: Number of poses to output (default: 3).-rs, --refine_step
: Refine step (default: 3).-topn, --topn
: Top N pose results to keep (default: 100).
-wd, --workdir
: Working directory (default: 'unidock_workdir').-bs, --batch_size
: Batch size (default: 20).
See MCDock Usage
This project is licensed under the terms of Apache license 2.0. See LICENSE for additional details.