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svenstaro edited this page Jul 15, 2011 · 8 revisions


In order to use Ducttape, you need to acquire and compile its dependencies somehow. Depending on your environment, there are different ways to do so.


OS independent

If you just want to get a look at Ducttape without having to set up anything, you can use the Ducttape Development Environment. It is a virtual machine with everything set up already for you. The only requirement is that you have a processor with virtualisation hardware extensions or you will get an error on start-up.

If you have no idea how to use a virtual machine, just download VirtualBox, choose File -> Import and then select this OVA.

Arch Linux

pacman -S sfml bullet ogre boost

Now just run cmake on Ducttape and compile it.


Add the Ogre PPA and this PPA for Bullet. Next:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bullet boost1.46 ogre ois git cmake doxygen graphviz checkinstall

Last task is getting SFML. Get it from git:

git clone
cd SFML && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j3 && sudo checkinstall
sudo dpkg -r sfml

Now just run cmake on Ducttape and compile it.


Download the dependency package and drop it into the Ducttape root dir. Then just run CMake on it and it will automagically work.


Get gcc46 from macports and compile all dependencies, then compile Ducttape using cmake.

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