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Releases: easystats/performance

performance 0.10.6

05 Oct 15:02
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  • Support for nestedLogit models.

Changes to functions

  • check_outliers() for method "ics" now detects number of available cores
    for parallel computing via the "mc.cores" option. This is more robust than
    the previous method, which used parallel::detectCores(). Now you should
    set the number of cores via options(mc.cores = 4).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues is check_model() for models that used data sets with
    variables of class "haven_labelled".

performance 0.10.5

12 Sep 09:28
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Changes to functions

  • More informative message for test_*() functions that "nesting" only refers
    to fixed effects parameters and currently ignores random effects when detecting
    nested models.

  • check_outliers() for "ICS" method is now more stable and less likely to

  • check_convergence() now works for parsnip _glm models.

Bug fixes

  • check_collinearity() did not work for hurdle- or zero-inflated models of
    package pscl when model had no explicitly defined formula for the
    zero-inflation model.

performance 0.10.4

02 Jun 11:43
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  • icc() and r2_nakagawa() gain a ci_method argument, to either calculate
    confidence intervals using boot::boot() (instead of lmer::bootMer()) when
    ci_method = "boot" or analytical confidence intervals
    (ci_method = "analytical"). Use ci_method = "boot" when the default method
    fails to compute confidence intervals and use ci_method = "analytical" if
    bootstrapped intervals cannot be calculated at all. Note that the default
    computation method is preferred.

  • check_predictions() accepts a bandwidth argument (smoothing bandwidth),
    which is passed down to the plot() methods density-estimation.

  • check_predictions() gains a type argument, which is passed down to the
    plot() method to change plot-type (density or discrete dots/intervals).
    By default, type is set to "default" for models without discrete outcomes,
    and else type = "discrete_interval".

  • performance_accuracy() now includes confidence intervals, and reports those
    by default (the standard error is no longer reported, but still included).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in check_collinearity() for fixest models that used i()
    to create interactions in formulas.

performance 0.10.3

07 Apr 18:30
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New functions

  • item_discrimination(), to calculate the discrimination of a scale's items.

Support for new models

  • model_performance(), check_overdispersion(), check_outliers() and r2()
    now work with objects of class fixest_multi (@etiennebacher, #554).

  • model_performance() can now return the "Weak instruments" statistic and
    p-value for models of class ivreg with metrics = "weak_instruments"
    (@etiennebacher, #560).

  • Support for mclogit models.

Changes to functions

  • test_*() functions now automatically fit a null-model when only one model
    objects was provided for testing multiple models.

  • Warnings in model_performance() for unsupported objects of class
    BFBayesFactor can now be suppressed with verbose = FALSE.

  • check_predictions() no longer fails with issues when re_formula = NULL
    for mixed models, but instead gives a warning and tries to compute posterior
    predictive checks with re_formuka = NA.

  • check_outliers() now also works for meta-analysis models from packages
    metafor and meta.

  • plot() for performance::check_model() no longer produces a normal QQ plot
    for GLMs. Instead, it now shows a half-normal QQ plot of the absolute value
    of the standardized deviance residuals.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in print() method for check_collinearity(), which could mix
    up the correct order of parameters.

performance 0.10.2

12 Jan 09:42
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  • Revised usage of insight::get_data() to meet forthcoming changes in the
    insight package.

Changes to functions

  • check_collinearity() now accepts NULL for the ci argument.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in item_difficulty() with detecting the maximum values of an
    item set. Furthermore, item_difficulty() gets a maximum_value argument
    in case no item contains the maximum value due to missings.

performance 0.10.1

25 Nov 08:32
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  • Minor improvements to the documentation.

Changes to functions

  • icc() and r2_nakagawa() get ci and iterations arguments, to compute
    confidence intervals for the ICC resp. R2, based on bootstrapped sampling.

  • r2() gets ci, to compute (analytical) confidence intervals for the R2.

  • check_predictions() accepts a bw argument (smoothing bandwidth), which is
    passed down to the plot() methods density-estimation. The default for the
    smoothing bandwidth bw has changed from "nrd0" to "nrd", which seems
    to produce better fitting plots for non-gaussian models.

  • The model underlying check_distribution() was now also trained to detect
    cauchy, half-cauchy and inverse-gamma distributions.

  • model_performance() now allows to include the ICC for Bayesian models.

Bug fixes

  • verbose didn't work for r2_bayes() with BFBayesFactor objects.

  • Fixed issues in check_model() for models with convergence issues that lead
    to NA values in residuals.

  • Fixed bug in check_outliers whereby passing multiple elements to the
    threshold list generated an error (#496).

  • test_wald() now warns the user about inappropriate F test and calls
    test_likelihoodratio() for binomial models.

performance 0.10.0

03 Oct 14:36
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Breaking Change

  • The minimum needed R version has been bumped to 3.6.

  • The alias performance_lrt() was removed. Use test_lrt() resp.

New functions

  • Following functions were moved from package parameters to performance:
    check_sphericity_bartlett(), check_kmo(), check_factorstructure() and

Changes to functions

  • check_normality(), check_homogeneity() and check_symmetry() now works
    for htest objects.

  • Print method for check_outliers() changed significantly: now states the
    methods, thresholds, and variables used, reports outliers per variable (for
    univariate methods) as well as any observation flagged for several
    variables/methods. Includes a new optional ID argument to add along the
    row number in the output (@rempsyc #443).

  • check_outliers() now uses more conventional outlier thresholds. The IQR
    and confidence interval methods now gain improved distance scores that
    are continuous instead of discrete.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed wrong z-score values when using a vector instead of a data frame in
    check_outliers() (#476).

  • Fixed cronbachs_alpha() for objects from parameters::principal_component().

performance 0.9.2

10 Aug 12:02
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Merge pull request #465 from easystats/cran_release_0_9_2


performance 0.7.1

19 Apr 13:45
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Release for JOSS paper.

performance 0.4.8

27 Jul 07:54
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