Releases: edmcouncil/fibo
2019 Q4.1 Release
2017 Q4 Release
FIBO publishes new content and product at the end of every calendar quarter.
The 2017Q4 release includes:
Content improvements:
Business Entities (BE)
Integrate ISO 6523 for organizations
Foundations (FND)
- Update the defintion of isIssuedBy to clarify the role of governments in issuing identity documents
- Rectify ambiguous notion of "Principal" (loan amount vs. principal member of a contract)
- Fill in product concepts needed for Loans
- Include uniqueness in Identifiers
- Integrate ISO 6523 into organizations structure
- Generalize the notion of an Arrangement
- Unify identifiers with LCC practice
- Update dates to include times without specified date
- Include lifecycle as a general concept
Financial Business and Commerce (FBC)
- Add regulatory reporting concepts
- Unify lifecycle concepts
- Fill in the Bloomberg reference
- Separate contracts from products based on contracts
Indices and Indicators (IND)
- Include FpML schemes in Reference Floating Interest Rate
Securities (SEC)
- Remove "puns" about CUSIP and Euroclear
- Fill in missing definitions and inconsistent labels
- Rectify business facing types with a more coherent type ontology
- Clean up deprecated class definitions
- Moving some things from one domain to another to improve modularity
New Features
- Improved natural language summary of model-driven semantics.
- Automated production of the glossary, making it available for work-in-progress branches.
- Renaming of the product formerly called "Data Dictionary". It was a spreadsheet version of the same
information in the glossary; now it is included as part of the Glossary product.
Visual Ontology (VOWL) Web Pages
- Included abstracts and descriptions of each ontology
New Products
Data Dictionary
A new Data Dictionary product is a set of spreadsheets that provide data models for selected "operational" classes in FIBO. The data model includes the class name, and a list of properties that are appropriate for use for that class. This data dictionary can be interpreted as a relational data model, with tables corresponding to classes and fields corresponding to properties.
Process Optimization
Reduced dependency of the production process on proprietary software.
2017 Q3 Release
FIBO publishes new content and product at the end of every calendar quarter.
The 2017Q3 release includes:
New Features
- New Features in the Glossary – including allowing text search for individual classes and display of properties.
- Enhanced content in this release includes the Securities and Derivatives Domains as well as focusing the Loans Domain on known HMDA Use Cases. There is also usual clean up that happens in all Linked Data projects of resolving references and accurately pointing to both internal base ontologies such as FIBO Foundations and FIBO Financial Business and Commerce, as well as external ontologies such as the Object Management Group (OMG) Languages, Counties, and Codes (LCC) ontology.
New Products
Data Dictionary
An Excel spreadsheet of FIBO terms.
Linked Data Fragments
A new way of searching for a particular FIBO Triple, or executing a query.
Visual Ontology (VOWL) Web Pages
Generated web documentation for each ontology, including graphical depictions of FIBO concepts (using the VOWL notation).
RDF Toolkit
In addition, the FIBO Team has added extensive capability to its Open Source “RDFToolKit”. The application now provides the capability to automatically maintain the integrity of each FIBO product relative to the FIBO OWL System of Record.
Process Optimization
We're striving towards full "Continuous Deployment" and a DevOps based process where everything after an approved Pull Request is automated. The build/test/publish/deploy process is now based on a so called Multi-branch pipeline (one Jenkinsfile that orchestrates the build, see Jenkinsfile)