We welcome contributions to improve eslint-plugin-fsd-lint
If you have an idea for a new rule or an improvement, feel free to submit a Pull Request.
To start contributing, clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/effozen/eslint-plugin-fsd-lint.git
cd eslint-plugin-fsd-lint
npm install
You can test the plugin locally by running:
npm run lint
To check for formatting issues:
npm run format
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b feature/new-rule
- Implement your changes:
- Follow the existing code structure.
- Add unit tests for any new rules.
- Update documentation if needed.
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m "feat: add new ESLint rule fsd/no-xyz"
- Push your branch to your forked repository:
git push origin feature/new-rule
- Submit a Pull Request:
- Go to the original repository: eslint-plugin-fsd-lint.
- Click on "New Pull Request".
- Provide a clear description of the changes.
- Wait for review and feedback.
We follow the Conventional Commits style:
Type | Description |
feat | New feature or rule addition |
fix | Bug fix |
docs | Documentation changes |
refactor | Code refactoring (no functionality changes) |
test | Adding or updating tests |
chore | Minor changes (e.g., CI/CD, build scripts) |
Example commits:
git commit -m "feat: add fsd/no-cross-slice-dependency rule"
git commit -m "docs: update README with new rule details"
git commit -m "fix: resolve import path issue in fsd/no-relative-imports"
Before submitting a PR, make sure you:
✔ Test your changes using npm run test
✔ Ensure ESLint passes using npm run lint
✔ Format your code using npm run format
✔ Update documentation if required.
💡 Tip: Well-documented PRs with tests are reviewed faster!