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Minimum Requirements

  • 2 or more physical CPU cores
  • At least 160GB of SSD disk storage
  • At least 4GB of memory (RAM)
  • At least 120mbps network bandwidth

Mars Testnet Node Guide (Custom Port 18)

Auto Install

wget -O && chmod +x && ./

After install node run

source $HOME/.bash_profile

Create Wallet

To create wallet you can create in the CLI or Manual by running these commands

To create new wallet use

realio-networkd keys add wallet

To recover existing keys use

realio-networkd keys add wallet --recover

To see current keys

realio-networkd keys list


Ask one of the Admin in Discord server

Create validator

After your node is synced, create validator

To check if your node is synced simply run curl http://localhost:18657/status sync_info "catching_up": false

realio-networkd tx staking create-validator \
  --amount=1000000000000000000ario \
  --pubkey=$(realio-networkd tendermint show-validator) \
  --moniker="$MONIKER" \
  --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2 \
  --commission-rate="0.10" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.1" \
  --min-self-delegation="1" \
  --fees 5000000000000000ario \
  --gas 800000 \
  --identity= \
  --website="" \
  --details="" \

Usefull commands

Service management

Check logs

journalctl -fu realio-networkd -o cat

Start service

sudo systemctl start realio-networkd

Stop service

sudo systemctl stop realio-networkd

Restart service

sudo systemctl restart realio-networkd

Node info

Synchronization info

realio-networkd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo

Validator info

realio-networkd status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo

Node info

realio-networkd status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo

Show node id

realio-networkd tendermint show-node-id

Get Node Peer

echo $(realio-networkd tendermint show-node-id)'@'$(curl -s':'$(cat $HOME/.realio-network/config/config.toml | sed -n '/Address to listen for incoming connection/{n;p;}' | sed 's/.*://; s/".*//')

Get Live Peer

curl -sS http://localhost:18657/net_info | jq -r '.result.peers[] | "\(\(.remote_ip):\(.node_info.listen_addr)"' | awk -F ':' '{print $1":"$(NF)}'

Wallet operations

List of wallets

realio-networkd keys list

Recover wallet

realio-networkd keys add wallet --recover

Delete wallet

realio-networkd keys delete wallet

Get wallet balance

realio-networkd query bank balances <address>

Transfer funds

realio-networkd tx bank send <FROM ADDRESS> <TO_realio_WALLET_ADDRESS> 10000000ario


realio-networkd tx gov vote 1 yes --from wallet --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2

Staking, Delegation and Rewards

Delegate Stake to your own validator

realio-networkd tx staking delegate $(realio-networkd keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000ario --from wallet --chain-id realionetwork_1110-2 --gas-adjustment 1.4 --gas auto --gas-prices 0.001ario -y

Delegate stake

realio-networkd tx staking delegate <realio valoper> 10000000ario --from=wallet --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2 --gas=auto

Redelegate stake from validator to another validator

realio-networkd tx staking redelegate <srcValidatorAddress> <destValidatorAddress> 10000000ario --from=wallet --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2 --gas=auto

Withdraw all rewards

realio-networkd tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=wallet --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2 --gas=auto

Withdraw rewards with commision

realio-networkd tx distribution withdraw-rewards <realio valoper> --from=wallet --commission --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2

Validator management

Edit validator

realio-networkd tx staking edit-validator \
  --moniker=$MONIKER \
  --identity=<your_keybase_id> \
  --website="<your_website>" \
  --details="<your_validator_description>" \
  --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2 \

Unjail validator

realio-networkd tx slashing unjail \
  --broadcast-mode=block \
  --from=wallet \
  --chain-id=realionetwork_1110-2 \

Delete node

sudo systemctl stop realio-networkd && \
sudo systemctl disable realio-networkd && \
rm /etc/systemd/system/realio-networkd.service && \
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \
cd $HOME && \
rm -rf .realio-network && \
rm -rf $(which realio-networkd)
rm -rf realio-network