Requirements to be met:
- Owner role in S159-Robotics-in-Echo subscription (needed for ManagedIdentity deployment to work).
- Owner status in the app registration for dev, prod and staging environment (needed for the generation of client secret).
- az CLI installed.
- It will be required, for the deployment and injection in the key vault of the postgreSQL connection string, to build a json file from the provided bicepparam file. This will be an automated process, but you need to ensure to have jq, a command-line json processor. If you are using MacOs, you can installed with brew.
- Give the deployment script privileges to run. From root of this repository, run:
chmod +x scripts/automation/
- Prepare the resource group name:
- open the /scripts/automation/infrastructure.bicepparam file.
- change
param environment = 'YourEnvName'
to desire name. Keep in mind that, in the same file, you can change the name of storage accounts, key vault and database if needed. Remember that the names of these resources must be unique.
- Deploy the Azure resources with the bicep files. Run the following commands:
az login
- select the S159 subscription when prompted. If not, run:
az account set -s S159-Robotics-in-Echo
- run
az bicep build-params --file scripts/automation/infrastructure-<env>.bicepparam --outfile scripts/automation/infrastructure-<env>.parameters.json
to generate a json file from the bicepparam file provided. Change '' by the desired environment to deploy. - open
bash scripts/automation/
and change '' inbicepParameterFile
and in the parameters section (line 23), to the desire environment. Default is "dev". For example,bicepParameterFile
is by default 'scripts/automation/infrastructure-dev.bicepparam'. Change dev in the path to prod or staging, as desire. - run
bash scripts/automation/
to deploy the resources. - Note: administrator login password and the connection string for the postgreSQL flexible server would be available in the deployed key vault.
You can populate the previously deployed storage accounts with blob containers as needed, following these steps:
- Open /scripts/automation/modules/blob-container.bicep file.
- Change:
param storageAccountName string = 'YourStorageAccountNameHere'
param containerName string = 'YourContainerNameHere'
Note: the container name should be in lowercase.
- Run the following command:
az deployment group create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --template-file <bicep-file-name>
, changing '' for the already deployed resource group name, and ` for /scripts/automation/modules/blob-container.
- Under /scripts/automation/appRegistration, there are available config files for each one of the environments (dev, staging and prod). Select which one you want to modify, to deploy a new client secret.
- Ensure that
is the client ID of the App in which you want to add a new client secret. These values are already pre-filed for IDA app registrations. - You can change
by the secret name desired. - Change
for the resource group and respective key vault, in which the secret will be injected. - Grant privileges to '' and run it:
bash scripts/automation/appRegistration/
. Follow the instructions prompted in the command line and choose the environment you are deploying (dev, prod or staging).
- Following same logic as for the client secrets (app Registration) in the previous section, modify the names of the storage accounts and the names you want to use for the deployed connection string in the same config files. For example,
is the name of the raw storage account andCFG_CONNECTION_STRING_RAW_NAME
would be the displayed name in the key vault for the connection string of the raw storage account. Do the same for anon and vis storage accounts. - Grant privileges to '' and run it:
bash scripts/automation/appRegistration/
. Follow the instructions prompted in the command line and choose the environment you are deploying (dev, prod or staging)