- test.py is a demo application to test control path interface
- App is available under directory python_support/
- App interacts with
Hosted Control Library
by doing python to C translation - This app is developed using Google's Python Fire, Prompt toolkit libraries and ctypes library
- commands_map_py_to_c.py uses
library to translate python into ctrl_api.h APIs - This way, both python and C codes are unified and both use the same control path APIs.
- Using this unification, python app becomes more maintainable and extensible
- This demo app works over Hosted Control Library
- Config file hosted_py_header.py contains enum and basic structures, need not be modified
- test.py is the main demo app file. This works in shell mode or CLI mode.
- py_parse/cmds.py is used with prompt toolkit library to add new command in auto complete
- py_parse/process.py is wrapper to command handling functions in
- commands_lib.py is a supporting file for Demo APP, where methods are implemented. User can adapt as per their need.
- commands_map_py_to_c.py is mapper file for
library - Installation
- Install the dependency libraries,
. Below command could be used to install:
On Raspberry Pi or other linux distributions, you may see this error when running that command:$ sudo python3 -m pip install prompt_toolkit fire argparse docstring_parser requests
If you get that error, you can try this alternative method, which is to setup a python virtual environment (venv) to install the packages:error: externally-managed-environment
To run the demo app in a venv (see below section):$ python -m venv my-venv $ my-venv/bin/pip install prompt_toolkit fire argparse docstring_parser requests
$ sudo my-venv/bin/python ./test.py
- Install the dependency libraries,
- Demo apps use
permission as interface up and down are executed as network IOCTL for command likeconnect_ap
- There are two modes supported in demo application,
Shell mode
andCLI mode
- Gif shows the use of both modes
User when pass no arguments to
, the app runs in CLI mode -
In CLI mode, command input from the user is taken, and then the input string is mapped to control request and injected into
Hosted Control Lib
CLI mode generally uses synchronous procedure as user intends to wait for the response
when string 'help' or '--help' is run, all available commands and their use are popped.
- For example,
$ make clean; make $ sudo python3 ./test.py hosted > help
command specific help is also available which describes supported mandatory and optional options
- For example,
hosted > connect_ap --help OR hosted > connect_ap help
Exit from CLI mode
- commands
will exit the demo app
- commands
Shell mode could be used to just run one command to completion and exit
In command line shell, when command with options are passed, it will treat as shell mode
Help for available commands
$ make clean; make $ sudo python3 ./test.py --help
- Command specific help is also available
$ sudo python3 ./test.py start_softap --help
Example of command execution:
$ sudo python3 ./test.py connect_ap --ssid SaveEarth --pwd PlantMoreTrees123
Commands are picked from functions in file, py_parse/cmds.py
These commands will internally map to control request and send it to
Hosted Control Library
These commands finally mapped to one of Hosted control path API. Please find all acceptable input values and possible outputs from API documentation.
List of commands
- Get current Wi-Fi mode
- Set Wi-Fi mode
- Get Mac address of Wi-Fi mode passed
- Set Mac address of Wi-Fi mode passed
- Scan and list neighbouring APs (Wi-Fi routers or Hotspot)
- Connect ESP station to external AP(Wi-Fi router or hotspot), assign MAC address of ESP station to
and upethsta0
- Connect ESP station to external AP(Wi-Fi router or hotspot), assign MAC address of ESP station to
- Get details of connected AP in station mode
- Disconnect ESP station from external AP and down
- Disconnect ESP station from external AP and down
- Enable or disable softap vendor specific IE
- Start ESP softAP, assign MAC address of ESP softAP to
and upethap0
- Start ESP softAP, assign MAC address of ESP softAP to
- Get softAP configuration
- Get stations info which are connected to ESP softAP
- Stop ESP softAP
- Set Wi-Fi power save
- Get current Wi-Fi power save mode
- Request firmware to set maximum possible from input power. Actual power set may slightly vary depending upon external factors at Wi-Fi driver.
- Get current Wi-Fi TX power
- Over The Air (OTA) update from HTTP server using passed URL of ESP firmware binary
- Disable or Enable heartbeat with expected duration
- Subscribe event to get notifications
- Unsubscribe event to get notifications
- Deinit Wi-Fi driver in slave
- Init and start Wi-Fi driver in slave
- Deinit Bluetooth driver in slave
- Init and start Bluetooth driver in slave
- Fetch firmware version at slave
- Set the Wi-Fi Country Code
- Get the current Wi-Fi Country Code
- Positional arguments are supported in case of
Shell mode
- In both,
CLI mode
andShell mode
, a single command is supported at a time.
- Positional arguments are supported in case of
- stress.py use for stress testing of control path APIs
- User may change config from top of file
- Stress test repeats every type of command sequence for
$ make clean; make
$ sudo python3 stress.py
- As explained above, OTA is run as
$ cd esp_hosted_fg/host/linux/host_control/python_support/
$ sudo python3 ota_update <URL of ESP firmware binary>
This script assumes the station is connected to an AP, an IP is assigned to
and HTTP URL is accessible. -
It downloads a chunk of OTA image data using HTTP client over
interface and writes on ESP flash -
Once all chunks are successfully written, it restarts ESP after 5 sec.
Suggestion of steps for OTA with python
- Start a HTTP server on a remote machine which contains OTA image.
- The following python command can be used to start the HTTP server if it's not running already.
$ python3 -m http.server <port_number>
- Example:
python3 -m http.server 9999
- Pass OTA image URL as command line argument to ota_update.py.
$ sudo python3 test.py ota_update "http://<IP_address>:<port_number>/ota_image.bin"
- Example:
$ sudo python3 test.py ota_update ""
- It will perform the following operations.
- Erase OTA flash partition of ESP
- Download chunk from URL and write that chunk into flash, one by one, till whole binary is written
- Validate the complete written binary in flash
- Sets newly written OTA partition as boot partition
- Reboot the ESP after 5 second