📝 Teams Without Owners Report
📌 Overview
This PowerShell script connects to Microsoft Graph, retrieves all Microsoft Teams without owners, generates an HTML report using an XML template, and sends it via email.
The script is modular, configurable, and follows best practices for maintainability and scalability.
⚡ Features
✅ Automated Microsoft Graph Connection using credentials from config.json✅ Retrieves Teams without Owners efficiently✅ Generates an HTML report using a customizable EmailTemplate.xml✅ Sends an email report using SMTP settings from config.json✅ Structured in multiple files for clean and maintainable code
📂 Project Structure
📂 TeamsOwnerReport
│── 📄 TeamsOwnerReport.ps1 # Main script
│── 📄 Functions.ps1 # Contains all PowerShell functions
│── 📄 config.json # Configuration file (credentials & settings)
│── 📄 EmailTemplate.xml # HTML email template
│── 📄 README.md # Documentation
🔧 Prerequisites
🛠 System Requirements
PowerShell 7+ (Recommended)
Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDKInstall with:```powershell Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
🔑 Microsoft Graph API Permissions
The App Registration in Azure AD must have the following permissions:
⚙️ Configuration (`config.json`)
The script uses a JSON configuration file (`config.json`) to store all settings:
"MicrosoftGraph": {
"ClientId": "your-client-id",
"TenantId": "your-tenant-id",
"ClientSecret": "your-client-secret",
"AppName": "your-app-name"
"SMTP": {
"Server": "smtp.yourdomain.com",
"From": "[email protected]",
"Recipients": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
📌 Modify this file with your actual credentials before running the script.
📜 Email Template (EmailTemplate.xml
The script loads the HTML email content from an external XML file (EmailTemplate.xml
).You can customize it without modifying the script.
[$Date] Report: Teams Without Owners
The $TableHTML
placeholder is dynamically replaced with the Teams data.
🔍 Functions Overview (Functions.ps1
Loads and parses the config.json
Authenticates to Microsoft Graph using credentials from config.json
Fetches all Teams and identifies those without an owner.
Reads the EmailTemplate.xml
file and injects the Teams data.
Sends the report via SMTP using the settings from config.json
🚀 Usage
1️⃣ Setup
Make sure config.json
is properly configured.
Ensure EmailTemplate.xml
contains the correct HTML structure.
2️⃣ Run the Script
Run the following command in PowerShell:
3️⃣ Expected Behavior
✅ The script will:
Connect to Microsoft Graph
Retrieve Teams without owners
Generate an HTML email
Send the report to the recipients in config.json
Skip sending the email if no Teams are missing owners
📌 Example Output (Email Report)
Team Without Owner
Marketing Team
John Doe, Jane Smith
HR Team
Alice Brown, Bob White
🛠 Troubleshooting
❌ Connect-MicrosoftGraph
Check if your Client ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret are correct.
Ensure the Azure AD App has the required Graph API permissions.
❌ Send-Email
Check if your SMTP server is correct in config.json
Verify if your email address has permissions to send emails.
📜 License
This script is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.
👨💻 Author
Fatih BAYRAMFeel free to contribute or report issues!
⭐ Contributions & Feedback
💡 Found a bug? Have a suggestion?Create an Issue or open a Pull Request on GitHub! 🚀