Setup swap device in guest kernel can help to increase memory capacity, handle some memory issues and increase file access speed sometimes. Kata Containers can insert a raw file to the guest as the swap device.
The swap config of the containers should be set by annotations. So extra configuration is needed for containerd.
Kata Containers just supports setup swap device in guest kernel with QEMU. Install and setup Kata Containers as shown here.
Enable setup swap device in guest kernel as follows:
$ sudo sed -i -e 's/^#enable_guest_swap.*$/enable_guest_swap = true/g' /etc/kata-containers/configuration.toml
Use following command to start a Kata Containers with swappiness 60 and 1GB swap device (swap_in_bytes - memory_limit_in_bytes).
$ pod_yaml=pod.yaml
$ container_yaml=container.yaml
$ image=""
$ cat << EOF > "${pod_yaml}"
name: busybox-sandbox1
$ cat << EOF > "${container_yaml}"
name: busybox-test-swap
io.katacontainers.container.resource.swappiness: "60"
io.katacontainers.container.resource.swap_in_bytes: "2147483648"
memory_limit_in_bytes: 1073741824
image: "$image"
- top
$ sudo crictl pull $image
$ podid=$(sudo crictl runp --runtime kata $pod_yaml)
$ cid=$(sudo crictl create $podid $container_yaml $pod_yaml)
$ sudo crictl start $cid
Kata Containers setups swap device for this container only when io.katacontainers.container.resource.swappiness
is set.
The following table shows the swap size how to decide if io.katacontainers.container.resource.swappiness
is set.
io.katacontainers.container.resource.swap_in_bytes |
memory_limit_in_bytes |
swap size |
set | set | io.katacontainers.container.resource.swap_in_bytes - memory_limit_in_bytes |
not set | set | memory_limit_in_bytes |
not set | not set | io.katacontainers.config.hypervisor.default_memory |
set | not set | cgroup doesn't support this usage |