- Add more reusable hooks and utilities. Refs UISACQCOMP-228.
- Move reusable version history components to the ACQ lib. Refs UISACQCOMP-230.
- Move reusable helper function to support version history functionality. Refs UISACQCOMP-232.
- Move reusable version history hook useVersionHistoryValueResolvers to the ACQ lib. Refs UISACQCOMP-235.
- Move reusable claiming code from
to the shared library. Refs UISACQCOMP-236. - Support
export type in theuseIntegrationConfigs
hook. Refs UISACQCOMP-238. - Add
props toFieldTags
component. Refs UISACQCOMP-243. - Migrate to shared GA workflows. Refs UISACQCOMP-244.
- Keep previously selected tags after adding a new one in
. Fixes UISACQCOMP-247. - Move reusable
hook andFiscalYearFilter
component. Fixes UISACQCOMP-249. - BREAKING Migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versions. Refs UISACQCOMP-245.
- BREAKING Migrate
to v7. Refs UISACQCOMP-246. - Include refetch for useOrganization hook. Fixes UISACQCOMP-252.
- Display Holdings copy number when selecting holding. Refs STACQCOMP-253.
6.0.4 (2025-01-21)
- Exclude unsupported currencies on
. Refs UISACQCOMP-237.
6.0.3 (2024-12-27)
- Claim locations from all members for locations filter when
. Refs UISACQCOMP-239.
6.0.2 (2024-12-04)
- Add
hook to fix endless request forDynamicSelection
component. Refs UISACQCOMP-233. - Display system change label for version cards. Refs UISACQCOMP-231.
6.0.1 (2024-11-14)
- Added new
prop to<AcqDateRangeFilter>
. Refs UISACQCOMP-227.
6.0.0 (2024-10-29)
- Implement common tools to retrieve "Central ordering" settings. Refs UISACQCOMP-182.
- Add
components. Refs UISACQCOMP-183. - Create
component for Routing list table. Refs UISACQCOMP-184. - Add functions related to custom fields filter and search functionality. Refs UISACQCOMP-186.
- BREAKING ECS - Support for location search in the context of multiple consortium affiliations. Refs UISACQCOMP-185.
- BREAKING ECS - Adjust the locations filter to support cross-tenant search mode. Refs UISACQCOMP-187.
- Correctly manage state setting in the
function of theuseToggle
hook. Refs UISACQCOMP-189. - ECS - Support affiliations select for the inventory field (
). Refs UISACQCOMP-190. - Add Print routing list functionality. Refs UISACQCOMP-191.
- ECS - Support central ordering in the acq modules. Refs UISACQCOMP-194.
- ECS - Replace calls to the publish coordinator with new endpoints to retrieve locations and their references. Refs UISACQCOMP-199.
- Introduce a new flag
to control the usage of thetrim
function during search change inuseFilters
. Refs UISACQCOMP-198. - Add
Component. Refs UISACQCOMP-204. - Add translation for
item status message. Refs UISACQCOMP-205. - Keep returnUrl in routing list navigation. Refs UISACQCOMP-206.
- ECS - clear Location/Holding field when affiliation selected. Refs UISACQCOMP-201.
- ECS - clear Select location filters on change another Affiliation. Refs UISACQCOMP-208.
- Support using custom list of tenants when open the locations modal. Refs UISACQCOMP-210.
- ECS - Display all consortium tenants in the affiliation selection of the location lookup. Refs UISACQCOMP-202.
- ECS - Add
prop forConsortiumFieldInventory
component. Refs UISACQCOMP-215. - Add "Amount must be a positive number" validation for "Set exchange rate" field. Refs UISACQCOMP-218.
- Create common utilities for managing response errors. Refs UISACQCOMP-219.
- ECS - expand
component withadditionalAffiliationIds
prop to display affiliation name for User without affiliation in specific tenant. Refs UISACQCOMP-220. - Change
component to support multi-selection for Fund codes. Refs UISACQCOMP-221. - Use
value for version history card title instead ofeventDate
. Refs UISACQCOMP-222. - ECS - Add reusable custom hooks to fix invalid reference issues related to holding names and locations. Refs UISACQCOMP-223.
5.1.2 (2024-09-13)
- Add isMultiSelect prop to DonorsLookup component. Refs UISACQCOMP-212.
5.1.1 (2024-04-22)
- Added new returned
function fromuseLocationFilters
. Refs UISACQCOMP-181.
5.1.0 (2024-03-18)
- Sort the list of countries based on the current locale. Refs UISACQCOMP-164.
- Add
prop to<SingleSearchForm>
. Refs UISACQCOMP-165. - View the list of donors. Refs UISACQCOMP-166.
- Added
props to<SingleSearchForm>
. Refs UISACQCOMP-167. - Extend Donors component functionality. Refs UISACQCOMP-168.
- Add Donors Filter component. Refs UISACQCOMP-169.
- Optimize acquisition memberships query to improve performance. Refs UISACQCOMP-170.
- Create Privileged donor contacts modal and list. Refs UISACQCOMP-172.
- Implement "Find location" lookup. Refs UISACQCOMP-171.
- Edit
util function to improve PO & POL version history fields. Refs UISACQCOMP-173. - Add support for the
,Claim delayed
,Claim sent
piece statuses. Refs UISACQCOMP-174. - Add TypeScript support via
. Refs UISACQCOMP-175. - Add min and max number validation. Refs UISACQCOMP-176.
- Support location-restricted funds in POLs. Refs UISACQCOMP-177.
- Allow order template to hide Currency and exchange rate fields. Refs UISACQCOMP-178.
- Export
hook for reusability purposes. Refs UISACQCOMP-179.
5.0.0 (2023-10-12)
- Link to vendor organization record from organization value. Refs UISACQCOMP-147.
- Add dependencies argument in the custom hook useLocationSorting. Refs UISACQCOMP-149.
- "Reset all" button remains enabled after clicking it to clear filtering results. Refs UISACQCOMP-148.
- "No value" in the "Current encumbrance" column of a fund distribution field is a hyperlink. Refs UISACQCOMP-150.
- Allow user to select Fund and Expense class from Fiscal year specified in invoice. Refs UISACQCOMP-151.
- Hide End Of List label when there is pagination. Refs UISACQCOMP-152.
- Add local pagination hook. Refs UISACQCOMP-153.
- Add the ability to convey searchable indexes to the Select component via children prop, and not just through the dataOptions prop. Refs UISACQCOMP-155.
- Fund distribution can be saved with a "blank" expense class. Refs UISACQCOMP-156.
. Refs UISACQCOMP-157. - Update
in GitHub Actions. Refs UISACQCOMP-158. - A user can not save edited PO line when budget without expense class was selected. Refs UISACQCOMP-159.
. Refs UISACQCOM-161.
4.0.2 (2023-03-17)
- Escape quotes
and backslash\
characters in search queries. Refs UISACQCOMP-145. - Select the current version by clicking on the version card title. Refs UISACQCOMP-146.
4.0.1 (2023-03-09)
- Acq list results pane doesn't support icons. Refs UISACQCOMP-144.
- Unpin
now that it's no longer broken. Refs UISACQCOMP-138.
4.0.0 (2023-02-15)
- Add common util which will provide translations for
. Refs UISACQCOMP-123. - Change log: add common components to display version history on the fourth pane. Refs UISACQCOMP-129.
- Change log: display all versions in fourth pane. Refs UISACQCOMP-131.
- Show in version history record view, which fields have been edited. Refs UISACQCOMP-132.
- Add ability to provide
prop for<NoResultsMessage>
component. Refs UISACQCOMP-136. - BREAKING: Upgrade
. Refs UISACQCOMP-137. - Do not display version history cards without changes. Refs UISACQCOMP-139.
- BREAKING: Update
. Refs UISACQCOMP-140. - Add the ability to get a list of all nested field names when comparing versions. Refs UISACQCOMP-143.
3.3.2 (2022-11-25)
- Selection dropdown search textbox doesn't allow use of parentheses characters. Refs UISACQCOMP-125.
- Add common
hook to support filter reset based on location state. Refs UISACQCOMP-127.
3.3.1 (2022-11-18)
- Add handlers for search field and reset all button in
component. Refs UISACQCOMP-124.
3.3.0 (2022-10-18)
- Add a common Drag-n-Drop MCL component. Refs UISACQCOMP-105.
- Move reusable utils and constants from
lib. Refs UISACQCOMP-110. - Support MCL Next/Previous pagination by plugins. Refs UISACQCOMP-116.
- Support placeholder for searchable indexes on search form. Refs UISACQCOMP-121.
3.2.4 (2022-08-25)
- Selecting a new search index automatically kicks off a new search. Refs UISACQCOMP-118.
3.2.3 (2022-08-19)
- Fund distribution validation issue on form saving. Refs UINV-432.
3.2.2 (2022-08-08)
- PO/L does not save/open when deviating from the default electronic inventory interactions. Refs UISACQCOMP-113.
- Filtering for tags not working if tag contains forward slash. Refs UISACQCOMP-114.
3.2.1 (2022-07-27)
- Add support for fund distribution total backend validation. Refs UISACQCOMP-111.
3.2.0 (2022-07-07)
- Display only active funds in Fund Distribution drop-down. Refs UISACQCOMP-83.
- Move Fund and Expense class filters to stripes-acq-components for common usage. Refs UISACQCOMP-84.
- Results List pane should announce results count change. Refs UISACQCOMP-89.
- Create Number range filter. Refs UISACQCOMP-88.
- Remove react-hot-loader. Refs UISACQCOMP-92.
- Move common functions and constants for CSVExport to stripes-acq-component. Refs UISACQCOMP-93.
- Replace
. Refs UISACQCOMP-95. - Prevent accordion from closing if its fields contain validation errors. Refs UISACQCOMP-96.
- Add common modal component for delete abandoned holdings operation. Refs UISACQCOMP-97.
- stripes-acq-components: module warnings analysis. Refs UISACQCOMP-98.
- Hyperlink current encumbrance amount in Fund distribution. Refs UISACQCOMP-101.
- Add new component for dynamic data loading and filtering. Refs UISACQCOMP-103.
- Create common component
. Refs UISACQCOMP-104. - Remove encumbrance when fund is changed. Refs UISACQCOMP-106.
3.1.1 (2022-03-24)
- Unable to type in filter select list input. Refs UISACQCOMP-90.
3.1.0 (2022-02-28)
- Use final-form "Field" component in "FieldHoldingLocation". Refs UISACQCOMP-64.
- Add resources to interact with Acquisition methods API. Refs UISACQCOMP-62.
- Rename collection field name for Acquisition method. Refs UISACQCOMP-66.
- Remove duplicates from keyboard shortcuts modal list. Refs UISACQCOMP-69.
- Leverage useIntegrationConfigs hook from ui-organizations. Refs UISACQCOMP-71.
- Leverage useOrganization hook from ui-organizations. Refs UISACQCOMP-72.
- FindRecords implementation. Refs UISACQCOMP-70.
- 'Server address' validation not clear. Refs UISACQCOMP-75.
- Add initial filters for FindRecords. Refs UISACQCOMP-74.
- Search normalization to handle trailing space. Refs UISACQCOMP-76.
- Update acquisitions unit filter to allow filtering on no acquisitions unit. Refs UISACQCOMP-77.
- timezone support in FolioFormattedDate. Refs UISACQCOMP-78.
- useFocusPane hook. Refs UISACQCOMP-79.
- Add common components to use input filter and action menu filters. Refs UISACQCOMP-80.
- Accessibility issue for some filter accordions (Ensures landmarks are unique). Refs UISACQCOMP-82.
3.0.2 (2021-12-09)
- POL Title selection overwriting Order template location. Refs UISACQCOMP-65.
3.0.1 (2021-11-02)
- Display "Invalid reference" when Holdings ID is not valid. UISACQCOMP-59.
- Display "Invalid reference" when vendor is not valid. UISACQCOMP-61.
3.0.0 (2021-10-04)
- Support trigerless mode for lookup plugins. Refs UISACQCOMP-35.
- Component to handle holdings and locations. Refs UISACQCOMP-40.
- Use mod-orders for piece queries. Refs UISACQCOMP-46.
- The order is saved with empty fields under the "Vendor" accordion. Refs UISACQCOMP-45.
- In AcqDateRangeFilter propagate
props to DateRangeFilter. Refs UISACQCOMP-48. - Select should display defined form value in non-interactive mode. Refs UISACQCOMP-49.
- increment stripes to v7. Refs UISACQCOMP-50.
- Display order line locations on piece form. Refs UISACQCOMP-53.
- Ability to use scroll position of MCL row. Refs UISACQCOMP-54.
- Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination. Refs UISACQCOMP-55.
- Add default label for "Acquisition unit" filter. Refs UISACQCOMP-56.
- Can no longer create POL with Price of 0. Refs UISACQCOMP-57.
2.4.3 (2021-07-30)
- POL lookup by vendor ref number for invoice line is not working. UISACQCOMP-42.
2.4.2 (2021-07-29)
- Invoice level Fund Distribution not showing amount. Refs UISACQCOMP-41.
2.4.1 (2021-07-21)
- Expense classes are not in alpha order on POL create/edit screen. Refs UISACQCOMP-33.
- Search error in acquisition unit component on PO. Refs UISACQCOMP-34.
- Cannot allocate or transfer cents as system considers them negative numbers. Refs UISACQCOMP-36.
- Date range filters in Orders and Circulation log does not honor tenant locale. Refs UISACQCOMP-37.
- Expense class from order template not applied to POL. Refs UISACQCOMP-39.
2.4.0 (2021-06-16)
- Resizable Panes. Refs UISACQCOMP-24.
- Acquisition units restrictions hook. Refs UISACQCOMP-27.
- support batchFetch in react-query. Refs UISACQCOMP-30.
- Create common command list for Keyboard shortcut Modal. Refs UISACQCOMP-32.
- Compile Translation Files into AST Format. Refs UISACQCOMP-25.
- Create HTML template for Printing order. Refs UISACQCOMP-26.
2.3.3 (2021-04-22)
- Fix onCancel prop for FormFooter. Refs UISACQCOMP-28.
2.3.2 (2021-04-13)
- Check the date picker in orders and invoices. Fix displaying dates in UTC0. Refs UISACQCOMP-23.
2.3.1 (2021-04-07)
- Add Ongoing to the POL filters. Refs UIOR-688.
- Fix Cannot split funds on a PO with an odd number of pennies as the cost. Refs UISACQCOMP-17
- Attaching file to invoice doesn't work properly when user clicks Choose file Refs UISACQCOMP-22.
2.3.0 (2021-03-15)
- Fix Orders and Order lines grids initially display "No results found. Please check your filters." rather than "Loading...". Refs UIOR-657.
- Fix onBlur prop for FieldDatepicker (RFF). Refs UIF-289.
- Centralizing country and language data in stripes components. Refs UISACQCOMP-18.
- Add Extended Info accordion to Invoice View screen. Refs UINV-222.
- Make POL vendor reference number and type repeatable, paired fields. Refs UIOR-519, UINV-165.
- Add positive number validation. Refs UIF-280
- Reformat dates to match date format across FOLIO (based on selected locale). Refs UISACQCOMP-16
- Set exchange rate manually for purchase order line. Refs UIOR-610.
- Prevent user from applying Funds from other acquisitions units for encumbrance or payment. Refs UIOR-618
- Update format date and format time. Refs UIOR-645.
- Fix Accessibility problems for PluginFindRecordModal Component. UISACQCOMP-9
- bump stripes v6. UIOR-650
- Call change org on clear field. UINV-169
- Fix all select lists with dynamic required prop. UIF-274
- Change CQL query
. Refs UICIRCLOG-33. - Add personal data disclosure form. Refs UISACQCOMP-13.
- Make global mocks be used in submodules
- Propagate ...rest props in TextFilter to TextField
- Add actionMenu prop to ResultsPane. Refs UIOR-631.
- Update invoice CRUD permissions. Refs UINV-199.
- Reformat dates to match date format across FOLIO. UISACQCOMP-15.
2.2.3 (2020-11-18)
- Unable to view PO Line when accessing via Agreements app. Refs UISACQCOMP-10
2.2.2 (2020-11-10)
- Fix Invoice date filters are off set by timezone somehow. Refs UINV-202
- Filter selection cursor highlights (focus) are persisted and distracting for the user. Refs UISACQCOMP-7
- Migrate Organization and Contact Forms to React-final-form. Refs UIORGS-200.
2.2.1 (2020-10-29)
- Add aria-label to select item checkbox. Refs UIPFINT-14.
- Focus resultsPaneTitleRef after data response has come in AcqList. Refs UIORGS-208
- Filtering not working on Receiving. Refs UIREC-101
2.2.0 (2020-10-09)
- fix tags with caps. Refs MODORDERS-433
- separate coverage dir for Jest
- Allow user to use multiple expense class from same fund on one invoice line or POL. Refs UIF-253
- Wrappers for control components to provide non-interactive mode and tooltip. Refs UIOR-607
- Display disabled
. Refs UIF-251 - Provide non-interact mode to some components. Refs UIOR-606
- Add mocks and display
if no value is provided. Refs UIF-251 - Display AcqUnits as
if no units selected. Refs UIORGS-201 - Fix
clears value for redux-form. Refs UINV-181 - Update fund distribution UX. Refs UIF-245
- Leverage code for client-side sorting,
. Refs UINV-178 - Leverage common Notes route components. Refs UIORGS-184
- Add URL validation. Refs UIOR-556
- Customize column names for sorting. Refs UIORGS-197
- Move payment status constant. Refs UINV-173
- Select expense class for Order & Invoice Fund distribution. Refs UIF-213
- add
prop inAmountWithCurrencyField
to show amount in brackets for negative values AcqEndOfList
component for manual use of EoL marker from stripes-component.useList
component with leveraged common logic for list pages. Refs UIOR-586- respect
prop in filter component. Refs UIOR-586 TextFilter
component. Refs UICIRCLOG-4react-intl
jest mock. Refs UICIRCLOG-17
- UIOR-586 Update subheading of the Orders landing page Search results pane
- UIOR-561 Migrate to react-final-form
- UINV-161 Alert user when adding pol to invoice that has a different currency or vendor that the invoice
- UIOR-417 useLocalStorageFilters hook
- UIORGS-164 Accessibility Error: Form elements must have labels
- UISACQCOMP-2 ACQ - CurrencySelect values are not translated
- UIORGS-157 Accessibility error: IDs of active elements must be unique
- UIOR-524 Accessibility Error: Form elements must have labels
- UIOR-523 Accessibility Error: Buttons must have discernible text
- UIOR-522 Accessibility Error: ARIA attributes must conform to valid values
- UIORGS-173 Accessibility Error: Added aria-label for "Select all"-checkbox in the find record modal
2.1.2 (2020-06-12)
- fix multiselect interactor;
2.1.1 (2020-06-11)
- remove
2.1.0 (2020-06-11)
- UIOR-530 Improve Select location dropdown to use only select Location plugin
- UIREC-90 Update select location workflow for Piece creation/edit
- UIREC-47 Create/lookup instance from receiving Title when not using instance lookup
- UIORGS-78 pass
- UIOR-564 pass initialFilterState prop to S&SQ
- UIORGS-178 Redirect API calls from mod-organizations-storage to
- UIOR-444 common constants for Piece, BigTest config
- Update to stripes v4
- UIREC-42 Filter Titles by piece status and Acq unit
- UIF-202 Add default sorting param to AcqList
- UINV-123 Add "Export to accounting" toggle to Adjustments
- UINV-138 Align actions icons in table to right hand side of view pane(s)
- UIORGS-177 add validation to not allow spaces
- UIORGS-151 Organizations is not using the same Expand/Collapse as implemented in Q4 2019
2.0.4 (2020-04-09)
- UIOR-516 PluggableUserFilter component
2.0.3 (2020-04-06)
component to show query status in the Results pane of AcqList
2.0.2 (2020-03-27)
- UIORGS-155 Country codes are handled inconsistently in organization vs. contact addresses
- UIREC-67 Add ModalFooter with right buttons alignment
- UIREC-66 POL details displaying under Title information accordion
- UIREC-59 Improve Select location dropdown to use only select Location plugin
2.0.1 (2020-03-13)
- bump the @folio/stripes peer to v3.0.0
- UINV-60 Improve Location filter on the Titles list to use location look-up
- UINV-124 FieldOrganization component
- UINV-118 AcqList buildDateRangeQuery util
- UIOR-358 OrganizationValue component
- UIOR-472 Display encumbered value on POL for orders made in currency other than system currency
- UIORGS-112 disable sorting on checkboxes, pass sortable columns
- UIREC-32 Add piece for a title
- UIREC-28 Add Title for receiving/check-in
- UIREC-27 View title in receiving area
- UIORGS-147 Country filter not working
1.3.2 (2019-12-18)
- UIOR-478 Invoices from the previous order is shown
- UIOR-460 Capture cost information and fund distributions in the currency selected at POL
1.3.1 (2019-12-12)
- UIORGS-122 Organization view pane: Update contact people view
- UIOR-464 Calculation of estimated price in cost details sometimes blocks POLs from being created/saved
- UIPFPOL-3 Return focus after lookup modal is closed without selection
- ERM-620 Agreement edit/new: return focus to the lookup button when a lookup modal is closed
- UINV-94 Not able to create invoice lines with $0 subtotal
1.3.0 (2019-12-04)
- UIF-101 FolioFormattedTime component to display datetime fields
- UIF-79 FieldTags common component
- UIF-96 Acq list components and utils
- UIOR-365 Support isDeleted property of Acq units
- UIOR-5 Tags components
- UIOR-370 FundDistributionField component updates, CurrencySymbol component
- UIOR-377 batchFetch util
- UIOR-275 AcqTagsFilter component
- UIOR-425 FundDistributionView component updates
- UIF-34 react-final-form components
- UIF-98 showCallout util
- UINV-87 multiple distributions for the same Fund validation
- UINV-41 unit tests with Jest
1.2.0 (2019-09-11)
- UIF-85 Create LoadingPane common component
- UIF-92 Add hook for accordion toggle
- UINV-56 common test utils
- UINV-57 Add fund distributions to invoice lines
- UINV-62 hooks for callout and modal toggle
- UIOR-367 add common function to generate query
- UIORGS-87 PluginFindRecord component
- UIOR-349 find-po-line plugin cannot search at all
1.1.0 (2019-08-26)
- UIORGS-74 toast with html
- UIORGS-71 added
component - UIOR-300 acquisition units component
- UINV-15 file uploader / download base64
- UINV-14
component - UIAC-8
1.0.0 (2019-07-19)
- leveraged some common components, used in Acquisitions modules.