Releases: folio-org/stripes-acq-components
Releases · folio-org/stripes-acq-components
Release v2.1.0
- UIOR-530 Improve Select location dropdown to use only select Location plugin
- UIREC-90 Update select location workflow for Piece creation/edit
- UIREC-47 Create/lookup instance from receiving Title when not using instance lookup
- UIORGS-78 pass
- UIOR-564 pass initialFilterState prop to S&SQ
- UIORGS-178 Redirect API calls from mod-organizations-storage to
- UIOR-444 common constants for Piece, BigTest config
- Update to stripes v4
- UIREC-42 Filter Titles by piece status and Acq unit
- UIF-202 Add default sorting param to AcqList
- UINV-123 Add "Export to accounting" toggle to Adjustments
- UINV-138 Align actions icons in table to right hand side of view pane(s)
Bug fixes
- UIORGS-177 add validation to not allow spaces
- UIORGS-151 Organizations is not using the same Expand/Collapse as implemented in Q4 2019
Release v2.0.4
Release v2.0.3
component to show query status in the Results pane of AcqList
Bug fixes
Release v2.0.2
Bug fixes
- UIORGS-155 Country codes are handled inconsistently in organization vs. contact addresses
- UIREC-67 Add ModalFooter with right buttons alignment
- UIREC-66 POL details displaying under Title information accordion
- UIREC-59 Improve Select location dropdown to use only select Location plugin
Release v2.0.1
2.0.1 (2020-03-13)
- bump the @folio/stripes peer to v3.0.0
- UINV-60 Improve Location filter on the Titles list to use location look-up
- UINV-124 FieldOrganization component
- UINV-118 AcqList buildDateRangeQuery util
- UIOR-358 OrganizationValue component
- UIOR-472 Display encumbered value on POL for orders made in currency other than system currency
- UIORGS-112 disable sorting on checkboxes, pass sortable columns
- UIREC-32 Add piece for a title
- UIREC-28 Add Title for receiving/check-in
- UIREC-27 View title in receiving area
Bug Fixes
- UIORGS-147 Country filter not working
Release v1.3.2
Bug Fixes
Release v1.3.1
- UIORGS-122 Organization view pane: Update contact people view
Bug Fixes
- UIOR-464 Calculation of estimated price in cost details sometimes blocks POLs from being created/saved
- UIPFPOL-3 Return focus after lookup modal is closed without selection
- ERM-620 Agreement edit/new: return focus to the lookup button when a lookup modal is closed
- UINV-94 Not able to create invoice lines with $0 subtotal
Release v1.3.0
- UIF-101 FolioFormattedTime component to display datetime fields
- UIF-79 FieldTags common component
- UIF-96 Acq list components and utils
- UIOR-365 Support isDeleted property of Acq units
- UIOR-5 Tags components
- UIOR-370 FundDistributionField component updates, CurrencySymbol component
- UIOR-377 batchFetch util
- UIOR-275 AcqTagsFilter component
- UIOR-425 FundDistributionView component updates
- UIF-34 react-final-form components
- UIF-98 showCallout util
- UINV-87 multiple distributions for the same Fund validation
- UINV-41 unit tests with Jest
Bug Fixes
Release v1.2.0
- UIF-85 Create LoadingPane common component
- UIF-92 Add hook for accordion toggle
- UINV-56 common test utils
- UINV-57 Add fund distributions to invoice lines
- UINV-62 hooks for callout and modal toggle
- UIOR-367 add common function to generate query
- UIORGS-87 PluginFindRecord component
Bug Fixes
- UIOR-349 find-po-line plugin cannot search at all