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FreeIPA Installation Using ansible freeipa

Thomas Woerner edited this page Jun 27, 2018 · 2 revisions

1) Agenda

  • Project goals
  • IPA installers vs. ansible-freeipa
  • IPA client installation steps
  • Enrollment workflow with ipa-client-install vs. with ansible-freeipa
  • IPA client OTP use case
  • IPA client domain configuration with ipa-client-install vs. with ansible-freeipa
  • IPA server installation steps
  • IPA replica installation steps
  • Examples of Ansible inventory files and playbooks

2) Project Goals

  • Allow automation of FreeIPA installations and configuration using ansible-freeipa
  • Same result using normal FreeIPA installers and ansible-freeipa
    • ansible-freeipa can provide additional features
  • Provide Ansible roles and modules for server, client and replica installations
    • The replica installation is still work in progress and not part of the upstream repository yet
  • Support FreeIPA 4.5+ for ipaserver, ipareplica and ipaclient roles

3) FreeIPA Installer Scripts vs. ansible-freeipa

Installation Using FreeIPA Installers

  • Log in to every machine, start installation process manually
  • Use either principal/password or keytab
  • Wait till installation is done

Installation Using ansible-freeipa

  • Simple installation on more than one machine
  • One configuration file (inventory file) per domain or realm
  • One place for configuration options
  • Simple use of OTP for client installation and update, more secure: Admin password not transferred to the clients
  • Advanced auto detection for clients
  • Repair of broken client configurations with one known limitation:
    • Missing /etc/krb5.keytab

4) FreeIPA Client Installation Steps

  • Domain discovery and validation of parameters
  • Time synchronization (ntp, chrony)
  • IPA enrollment (Creation of host entry and keytab)
  • SSSD, PAM, NSS configuration
  • Kerberos client configuration
  • PKI configuration
  • DNS configuration

5) Client Configuration with ansible-freeipa

  • Full autodiscovery: No need to provide domain or realm
    • ​Using DNS SRV/TXT records for ldap and kerberos
  • Autodiscovery of IPA servers: Provide IPA domain
  • Enhanced discovery: Provide only server
  • No discovery: Provide server and domain
  • Realm is usually derived from upper-cased name of the IPA domain, or can be forced to a different value
  • Supported enrollment types
    • OTP
    • Admin principal and password
    • Existing host keytab

6) Client Inventory File

# Example minimal inventory file using full auto-detection

# ipaclient_password can be provided by a Vault-protected file
Variable Description
ipaservers Group of IPA server FQDN
ipaclients Group of IPA client FQDN
ipaadmin_keytab The path to the admin keytab used for alternative authentication
ipaadmin_password The password for the kerberos admin principal
ipaadmin_principal The authorized kerberos principal used to join the IPA realm
ipaclient_domain The primary DNS domain of an existing IPA deployment
ipaclient_realm The Kerberos realm of an existing IPA deployment
ipaclient_keytab The path to a backed-up host keytab from previous enrollment
ipaclient_force_join Set force_join to yes to join the host even if it is already enrolled
ipaclient_use_otp Generate a one-time-password
ipaclient_kinit_attempts Repeat the request for host Kerberos ticket
ipaclient_no_ntp Set to yes to not configure and enable NTP
ipaclient_mkhomedir Create users home dir
ipaclient_allow_repair Allow repair of already joined hosts

7) Client Playbooks


- name: Playbook to configure IPA clients with username/password
  hosts: ipaclients
  become: true
  - playbook_sensitive_data.yml

  - role: ipaclient
    state: present


- name: Playbook to configure IPA clients with username/password
  hosts: ipaclients
  become: true
  - playbook_sensitive_data.yml

  - role: ipaclient
    state: absent

8) FreeIPA Server Installation Steps

  • Domain discovery and validation of parameters
  • (Configure firewall)
  • Time synchronization and configuration (ntpd)
  • Directory server configuration (dirsrv)
  • Kerberos configuration (krb5kdc, kadmin)
  • Certificate Server configuration (pki-tomcatd)
  • Further directory server configuration (dirsrv)
  • OTPD configuration (ipa-otpd)
  • Custodia configuration (ipa-custodia)
  • HTTP configuration (httpd)
  • Kerberos KDC configuration (krb5kdc)
  • KRA (Key Recovery Authority) configuration
  • DNS configuration (named)
  • AD trust configuration (smb, winbind)
  • Client configuration on master
  • Enable IPA service

9) Server Inventory File

# Example minimal server inventory file

# Passwords can be provided by a Vault-protected file
Variable Description
ipaserver Group with IPA server FQDN
ipaadmin_password The password for the kerberos admin principal
ipaserver_domain The primary DNS domain for the IPA deployment
ipaserver_realm The Kerberos realm for the IPA deployment
ipaserver_setup_kra Install and configure a KRA on this server
ipaserver_setup_dns Configure an integrated DNS server
ipaserver_setup_adtrust Configure AD Trust capability
ipaserver_auto_forwarders Add DNS forwarders configured in /etc/resolv.conf
ipaserver_no_reverse Do not create reverse DNS zone
ipaclient_no_ntp Set to no to not configure and enable NTP
ipaclient_mkhomedir Create users home dir

10) Server Playbooks


- name: Playbook to configure IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  - role: ipaserver
    state: present


- name: Playbook to unconfigure IPA server
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  - role: ipaserver
    state: absent

11) FreeIPA Replica Installation Steps

  • Domain discovery and validation of parameters
  • (Configure firewall)
  • Time synchronization and configuration (ntpd)
  • ...

12) Replica Inventory File

# Example minimal replica inventory file


Variable Description
ipaservers Group with IPA server FQDNs
ipaadmin_password The password for the kerberos admin principal
ipadm_password The Directory Manager password used for connection check
ipaserver_domain The primary DNS domain for the IPA deployment
ipaserver_realm The Kerberos realm for the IPA deployment
ipareplica_setup_kra Install and configure a KRA on this server
ipareplica_setup_dns Configure an integrated DNS server
ipareplica_setup_adtrust Configure AD Trust capability
ipareplica_auto_forwarders Add DNS forwarders configured in /etc/resolv.conf
ipareplica_no_reverse Do not create reverse DNS zone
ipaclient_no_ntp Set to no to not configure and enable NTP
ipaclient_mkhomedir Create users home dir

13) Replica Playbooks


- name: Playbook to configure IPA replicas
  hosts: ipareplicas
  become: true

  - role: ipareplica
    state: present


- name: Playbook to unconfigure IPA replicas
  hosts: ipareplicas
  become: true

  - role: ipareplica
    state: absent

14) Cluster Inventory File

# Example minimal cluster inventory file








15) Cluster Playbooks


- name: Install IPA servers
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  - role: ipaserver
    state: present

- name: Install IPA replicas
  hosts: ipareplicas
  become: true

  - role: ipareplica
    state: present

- name: Install IPA clients
  hosts: ipaclients
  become: true

  - role: ipaclient
    state: present


- name: Uninstall IPA clients
  hosts: ipaclients
  become: true

  - role: ipaclient
    state: absent

- name: Uninstall IPA replicas
  hosts: ipareplicas
  become: true

  - role: ipareplica
    state: absent

- name: Uninstall IPA servers
  hosts: ipaserver
  become: true

  - role: ipaserver
    state: absent

Note: Please remember to register the client IP addresses and FQDN names if DNS will be setup in the IPA server. This needs to be done before the clients are enrolled.

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