A lightweight and cross-platform file watcher for your Zig projects.
This project exists to support fancy-cat and has limited features.
You can run the examples like so:
zig build run-<filename>
A basic example can be found under examples. The API is defined as follows:
pub const Event = enum { modified };
pub const Callback = fn (context: *anyopaque, event: Event) void;
pub const Opts = struct { latency: f16 = 1.0 };
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !Watcher;
pub fn deinit(self: *Watcher) void;
pub fn addFile(self: *Watcher, path: []const u8) !void;
pub fn removeFile(self: *Watcher, path: []const u8) !void;
pub fn setCallback(self: *Watcher, callback: Callback) void;
pub fn start(self: *Watcher, opts: Opts) !void;
pub fn stop(self: *Watcher) !void;
Run the test suite:
zig build test