diff --git a/pelican-bootstrap3/README.md b/pelican-bootstrap3/README.md
index d99000405..a51b09919 100644
--- a/pelican-bootstrap3/README.md
+++ b/pelican-bootstrap3/README.md
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ If you're using reStructuredText for writing articles and pages, you can include
You can optionally declare a [Creative Commons license](https://creativecommons.org) for the content of your site. It will appear in the site's footer. To enable, use one of the following two ways for configuration.
-* To choose the license by name, set `CC_LICENSE` to the common abbreviated name of the license: `"CC-BY"` (require attribution), `"CC-BY-SA"` (require ShareAlike), `"CC-BY-ND"` (NoDerivatives) , `"CC-BY-NC"` (require attribution, no commercial reuse), `"CC-BY-NC-SA"` (require ShareAlike, no commercial reuse), or `"CC-BY-NC-ND"` (NoDerivatives, no commercial reuse).
+* To choose the license by name, set `CC_LICENSE` to the common abbreviated name of the license: "CC0" or "zero" (public domain mark), `"CC-BY"` (require attribution), `"CC-BY-SA"` (require ShareAlike), `"CC-BY-ND"` (NoDerivatives) , `"CC-BY-NC"` (require attribution, no commercial reuse), `"CC-BY-NC-SA"` (require ShareAlike, no commercial reuse), or `"CC-BY-NC-ND"` (NoDerivatives, no commercial reuse).
* Alternatively, choose the licence by features:
* `CC_LICENSE_DERIVATIVES` - `"yes"` if permitted, `"no"` if not permitted, and `"ShareAlike"` if derivatives must be shared under the same terms.
* `CC_LICENSE_COMMERCIAL` - `"yes"` if commercial reuse is permitted, and `"no"` otherwise.
diff --git a/pelican-bootstrap3/templates/includes/cc-license.html b/pelican-bootstrap3/templates/includes/cc-license.html
index 84f204d55..d2a98d9e0 100644
--- a/pelican-bootstrap3/templates/includes/cc-license.html
+++ b/pelican-bootstrap3/templates/includes/cc-license.html
@@ -35,25 +35,29 @@
attr_props={}) %}
- {% if cc_name %}
- {% set cc_name = cc_name|lower|replace("cc-","") %}
- {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_name|replace("by", "")|replace("-nc","-NonCommercial")|replace("-nd","-NoDerivatives")|replace("-sa","-ShareAlike") %}
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+ {% if cc_name|lower == "zero" or cc_name|lower == "cc0" or cc_name|lower == "cc-zero" %}
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+ {% else %}
+ {% if cc_name %}
+ {% set cc_name = cc_name|lower|replace("cc-","") %}
+ {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_name|replace("by", "")|replace("-nc","-NonCommercial")|replace("-nd","-NoDerivatives")|replace("-sa","-ShareAlike") %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% set cc_name = "by" %}
+ {% set cc_title_suffix = "" %}
+ {% if (not commercial) or (commercial|lower == "no") %}
+ {% set cc_name = cc_name ~ "-nc" %}
+ {% set cc_title_suffix = "-NonCommercial" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if derivatives|lower == "no" %}
+ {% set cc_name = cc_name ~ "-nd" %}
+ {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_title_suffix ~ "-NoDerivatives" %}
+ {% elif derivatives|lower == "sharealike" %}
+ {% set cc_name = cc_name ~ "-sa" %}
+ {% set cc_title_suffix = cc_title_suffix ~ "-ShareAlike" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% set cc_title, cc_uri, cc_icon = ("Creative Commons AttributionCCSUFFIX 4.0 International License","https://creativecommons.org/licenses/CCNAME/4.0/","//i.creativecommons.org/l/CCNAME/4.0/80x15.png") %}
+ {% endif %}
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