Auto-generated documentation for ocs_ci.ocs.openstack module.
class CephVMNode(object):
def __init__(**kw):
def attach_floating_ip(timeout=120):
def create_node(**kw):
def destroy_node():
Relies on the fact that names should be unique. Along the chain we prevent non-unique names to be used/added. TODO: raise an exception if more than one node is matched to the name, that can be propagated back to the client.
def destroy_volume(name):
def get_driver(**kw):
def get_private_ip():
Workaround. self.node.private_ips returns empty list.
def get_volume(name):
Return libcloud.compute.base.StorageVolume
class GetIPError(Exception):
class InvalidHostName(Exception):
class NodeErrorState(Exception):