Auto-generated documentation for ocs_ci.ocs.resources.catalog_source module.
CatalogSource related functionalities
class CatalogSource(OCP):
def __init__(resource_name='', namespace=None, *args, **kwargs):
This class represent CatalogSource and contains all related methods we need to do with it.
def check_state(state):
Check state of catalog source
str - State of CatalogSource object
- True if state of object is the same as desired one, False otherwise.
def get_image_name():
Fetch image name from catalog source resource
image info (str): especially version info extracted from image name
def get_image_url():
Fetch image url from catalog source resource
image url (str): URL of image
@retry(ResourceInUnexpectedState, tries=4, delay=5, backoff=1)
def wait_for_state(state, timeout=480, sleep=5):
Wait till state of catalog source resource is the same as required one passed in the state parameter.
str - Desired state of catalog source objecttimeout
int - Timeout in seconds to wait for desired statesleep
int - Time in seconds to sleep between attempts
- In case the catalog source is not in expected state.